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Everything posted by Asidance

  1. Progress: fixed the problem, forgot to take command book out, yep.... 8)
  2. thx alot. will try this soon.
  3. do they have use of sethome and home? edit- and what versions of essentials and group manager are you running?
  4. would you mind sending me your essentials and group manager jar's and configs? and ill edit them to my liking. email [email protected] if so i will greatly appreciate it.
  5. thx for the help, but i decided to take essentials and group manager out, now using pex.
  6. got group manager but none of my permissions work, heres the code. what i really want is sethome and home to work. but when they try it, it doesnt work. running on tekkit 2.1 and essentials group manger 2.8.2. no i dont use global permissions. groups: Default: default: false permissions: - essentials.home - essentials.sethome - essentials.afk - essentials.back - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.balance - essentials.balance.others - essentials.balancetop - essentials.chat.color - essentials.chat.shout - essentials.chat.question - essentials.compass - essentials.depth - essentials.ignore - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - essentials.me - essentials.msg - essentials.pay - essentials.ping - essentials.powertool - essentials.protect - essentials.signs.use.* - essentials.signs.create.disposal - essentials.signs.create.mail - essentials.signs.create.protection - essentials.signs.create.trade - essentials.signs.break.disposal - essentials.signs.break.mail - essentials.signs.break.protection - essentials.signs.break.trade - essentials.suicide - essentials.time - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.warp - essentials.warp.list - essentials.worth inheritance: info: prefix: '&e' build: false suffix: '' Builder: default: true permissions: inheritance: - default info: prefix: '&2' build: true suffix: '' Moderator: default: false permissions: inheritance: - builder info: prefix: '&5' build: true suffix: '' Admin: default: false permissions: - essentials.* inheritance: - moderator info: prefix: '&c' build: true suffix: '' Owner: default: false permissions: - '*' inheritance: - admin info: prefix: '&4' build: true suffix: ''
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