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About tibblaye

  • Birthday 09/26/1989

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tibblaye's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. all complaining aside this was a good server just to bad everyone is punished for things stupid people did
  2. should change the name nothing superior about this server
  3. Hey, I'm a member from superior craft (not anymore) but I quit too, and I was wondering if you wanted to play tekkit together or something sometime :D I could host a server or something and we could find more people if we wanted and there would be no banned items or we could go on a public one and play :P So yeah..message me back if you want to! :)

    1. tibblaye


      sure that would be good

  4. might as well ban ee totally since all the useful junk is banned already I am going to stick to single player since least I can build what I want to there and this server was the worst thing I have ever spent money on
  5. I gave out all my items removed rp removed server from my multilayer server list im done they killed that server for me
  6. I 2nd omaga on making it a whitelist server
  7. again can't open doors or even break blocks have no idea why have not died been like this since i logged on again re logging and even reopening tekkit does not work
  8. http://s1085.photobucket.com/albums/j426/Aj_Bluck/?action=view&current=2012-09-01_172104.png
  9. 1. im not a minor , I don't work so can spend a lot of time on and sent kylling a email about this ages ago no answer or 2. make it a whitelist server that will stop a lot of the junk happening when both of you are offline
  10. I am getting real sick of this server again because of all the junk that happens on it just because there is not admins or mods there most the time http://s1085.photobucket.com/albums/j426/Aj_Bluck/?action=view&current=2012-08-31_203500.png I tell them to stop but they just laugh in my face and do it even more since I have no power
  11. http://s1085.photobucket.com/albums/j426/Aj_Bluck/?action=view&current=2012-08-31_173646.png http://s1085.photobucket.com/albums/j426/Aj_Bluck/?action=view&current=2012-08-31_173744.png
  12. http://s1085.photobucket.com/albums/j426/Aj_Bluck/?action=view&current=2012-08-31_173118.png another spamer really wish there was more mods since there is none on 12+ hours each day
  13. will my items that got stolen from the chests to bring over to the new world get replaced since i have a screenshot of them?
  14. this is the last thing I came back to see someone piping all my items out of my chest im done im not coming back
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