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Posts posted by tibblaye

  1. Nobody said we are going to ban EE entirely. Most of the overpowered and dupping items have been banned and those used for griefing. People moan about just about everything. What do you want? Cause we would like a fun playable balanced server not some kiddies playground for people to stuff up on. ANd yet, that is all we are constantly getting. Nobody tries to stick to the rules, tries to understand or tries to say thanks.

    It's just one moaning session on the next.

    Run your own servers, and let us see how you do?

    might as well ban ee totally since all the useful junk is banned already I am going to stick to single player since least I can build what I want to there and this server was the worst thing I have ever spent money on

  2. Griefing persists, but it is firstly because the kids don't READ the signs and follow steps, nor stick to /rules or /protect. We have lava attacks and people generally annoying others as well. May I recommend a whitelist server with applications to join? Would mostly keep the uneducated illiterate kinds at bay lol

    Driving me nuts! ;)

    Oh, one last thing. Could you edit /protect to included the text:

    ", this includes fencing for an area of 20 x 20 or 10 x 40," after the 400 blocks text entry. Just a thought. Not that it helps if they don't read...

    I 2nd omaga on making it a whitelist server

  3. Well, I am at work. Kyllingman is also busy, and their is no intent at the moment on adding minors as staff on the server. Also, do /ignore and follow /help till we can get a chance to assist. We don't sit and play games the whole damn day, we actually have work and lives as well. Quite refreshing actually, people must try it some time.

    List the names, and we'll be able to help when we have a min to spare.

    1. im not a minor , I don't work so can spend a lot of time on and sent kylling a email about this ages ago no answer


    2. make it a whitelist server that will stop a lot of the junk happening when both of you are offline

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