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About BWchief117

  • Birthday 12/10/1990

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. I thought Technic created it's own files? Does Technic take the base files and add to them and save that as the new files in .technicpack? Thanks for the reply. Amazing how far good grammar goes right?
  2. Launcher Version: latest Operating System: Win7 64bit Java Version: 7U7 64bit Antivirus Program: Norton Description of Problem: OS: Win7 64bit Java: 7U7 64bit I've tried both the Windows exe file, and the Linux/Jar file, and niether does anything. The exe stops working immediately and Windows checks for a problem (and doesn't find any). The jar pops open a java cmd box and immediately closes and does nothing. Downloaded with Firefox, Norton has NO issues with the file (it told me so on download and in file check), and file extensions are all correct. At the moment, I have a heavily modded version of Minecraft (via MC Patcher) that works just fine with lots of the same mods (BC, IC2, EE2, etc.) except Redpower (which is why I wanted to go to Technic). I typically run with extra RAM via a batch file, but I have checked the base game and that works as well. My Minecraft isn't updated to the 1.3 update (I'm at 1.2.5), but I don't see how that matters... This just seems like either a java incompatibility or an issue with the installers. Error Messages: nada Error Log: nada
  3. It's fine, I'm not angry or anything, it's just odd is all. There isn't much for install instructions in the download area like most mods, so I downloaded the launcher (but have to use the java one cause I have Win64). Launch that and the technic launcher works fine (I think) as it seems to install everything in folder structures that look good. I've gotten it to a workable point and it seems okay now, even with 0.8 fog and other performance intensive stuff, but I still get laggy lighting updates. I am curious as to why it does that no texture thing on the first bootup though... Also, I'm running SMP
  4. As of now, I can get all these mods running by myself with McPatcher except Redpower (because of the new incompatibility bug between them), and Minecraft runs great. Then I try this out, to get Redpower, and can hardly get more than 5 fps. On first spawn, none of the textures were there. Then I quit and restarted and the most basic textures were there (like the grass blocks that are completely green, not just the top), and I can hardly do anything without the game bogging down. WTF is going on?
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