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Kail Tyson

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Everything posted by Kail Tyson

  1. lol OK. SO am i white-listed or not?
  2. Hey look at my app please.

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  3. Username : kailtyson23 Age: 16 Country/Timezone: USA Eastern Standard Years playing Minecraft : I have been roughly playing for a year and a half Previous op/mod experience? : I have been op on one server Liquidcraft and mod on two other servers: Fearcraft, and MineSworn What you feel you can contribute : I can build donate and spend my time on what ever is needed Time you can contribute to the server : 7-10hrs. on week and all the time needed on the weekends Do you have any Mysql, Java, or HTML experience? How many years? : For the most part no. But i have played around with it a little and am willing to learn if needed Other information you feel may be pertinent : I love rp2 and EE i am very very handy with them. Also i know bout most of the mods in tekkit and items.
  4. In Game Username: kailtyson23 Age: 16 Country: USA Why would you join our community?: It has been very hard to find a good tekkit server that offers EE and or that does not have a hundred and one banned items. Most of the servers i have been on had EE but then later removed and that made me sad and the quest to find a new server began. If you want to join, explain how you will help us, if help is needed?: I could help in various ways. Some may be: Recruit, Build, Protect, and Donate. Other may be if i was promoted i could help the players on the server with problems and building. Do you agree on all of the rules?: Yes the seem very straight forward and simple To prove that you read all of the rules, how many rules are there?: There are a total of five rules in all. But only four of them were in the picture. Will you be kind to our community?: Yes i love helping other and solving problems. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?: Some last things would be: I love Rp2 and EE i am very handy in both. Also if you check my mcbans yes i have had problems in the past but those were i would say last year and before i haven't gotten in to trouble anytime soon that i know of. I would just like to find a good server i can invite my friends to and spend my money on .
  5. IGN: kailtyson23 Have you ever been banned: Yes -.- But never on a tekkit server. What do you plan to do on the server: I plan to do everything i can and am allowed to do.I would like to help people in need and also to teach (noobs) about tekkit What is your experience level with Tekkit? I have played with tekkit for a good while now. I am very experienced with IC2 and EE for BC not so much but i do know a few things.
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