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About paulcall

  • Birthday 01/04/1989

paulcall's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. The type of server you want are anarchy servers. Which is very disastrous when combined with Tekkit...
  2. I think the point of adding in Treecapitator into Tekkit is that so you can get wood very easily early-game.
  3. IGN: paulcall Age: 15 Project you plan to build: A fortress Minecraft experience: since Alpha Tekkit experience: I know about everything in Tekkit except for the computers included in the mods. Why you want to join the server: non-PVP, seems like a nice community, and it's updated to the latest version.
  4. I'm just interested in knowing if anyone got Mystcraft to work since a Bukkit port of it was recently released. I get a white screen when trying to travel to a new world in my server. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I got version 176 and I put it in the .jar file.
  5. Your computer is not the only thing you should worry about. Can you tell us the speed of your internet?
  6. Ign: paulcall Age: 15 TimeZone: GMT -5:00 You're best mod?: IndustrialCraft 2 (still playing around with the agriculture system) What position: Moderator Why you should have the job: I consider myself to be pretty mature, and I like to help people.
  7. By becoming a bit smarter. If it's a problem, it belongs in the bugs section. No argument about this.
  8. I highly doubt that someone "hacked" your console. Someone probably did it manually. If you find who did it, make sure he gets hung.
  9. Go to your inventory, and press O.
  10. List of Tekkit compatible mods: http://mcportcentral.co.za/wiki/index.php?title=Ports_for_1.2.5 You would need to put the file you download into your server's mod folder. Then, if someone wanted to join your server, they would have to install the client version of the mod. EDIT: Be advised that there might be ID conflicts that you have to manually configure yourself. Then, the people who want to join your server has to have the same config as you.
  11. In the server config file (the host should be the only one who can access this), there is a line that shows server-ip= Make sure that the host (your friend I assume) put the Hamachi IP in the config. For example:
  12. Client: http://forestry.sengir.net/wiki/index.php?n=Main.Downloads Forestry Server: http://minecraft.maeyanie.com/ forestry-
  13. That file is only for the server. Then, if players want to join your server, they would have to install the client-side version of Forestry to join.
  14. This isn't very specific. What happens when they try to join your server? What message do they get?
  15. Minecraft Username (IGN): paulcall Age: 15 Tekkit Experience: Played Tekkit with my friend, nothing much. Reliability (Why I should pick you) I am usually quite active, and know how to use most of the stuff in Tekkit. Skype Name (So you can speak with fellow companies and members of your own): paulcall3.14 (please note that I don't have a mic
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