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About heartyy

  • Birthday 01/29/1996

heartyy's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Dont hate..... APRECIATE

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  2. Donate hate..... APRECIATE!

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  3. Is there a specific version of factions i have to get for my server for it to work? Cuz when i use the regular factions plugin it doesnt seem to work....?
  4. So i've had multiple players join onto my server today and within a minute or two they have full quantam and are somehow spawning in items? HOW THE F*** ARE THEY DOING THIS!
  5. Ok thanks for you're help!
  6. Do i have to like fully restart it, Like delete everything and put all my plugins back in or do i just stop my server and start it again?
  7. So basically alllllll of my players have been saying they cant craft anyhting (eg... gem picks, tanks, Everything else) so im just wondering how i fix this? Thanks -heartyy
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