Launcher Version:, 3.0.3/1.2.5
Operating System: Win 7 home premium SP1 64 bit
Java Version: java 7 update 5 64b
Antivirus Program: after using the launcher to start tekkit minecraft, the short black and white screens come up like they should then the mojang logo, it stops there for about 7-8 secs and automatically closes. i tried updating my java, i completely uninstalled and redownloaded 32b and 64b versions, tried running on a few other manually selected builds, tried the .exe and the .jar, ran jar using open with> java SE, ive also tried disabling all the components of mcaffees and deleting everything and downloading the launcher and the tekkit pack and running with no difference, im not completely sure if my mcafees is turned off properly but everything is downloading fine i think, it has no errors in the launcher before login. also in the error log is says is 64bit: 'false', my computer is 64 bit though and i have 64bit java installed so im not sure if thats wrong somehow
Description of Problem:
after using the launcher to start tekkit minecraft, the short black and white screens come up like they should then the mojang logo, it stops there for about 7-8 secs and automatically closes. i tried updating my java, i completely uninstalled and redownloaded 32b and 64b versions, tried running on a few other manually selected builds, tried the .exe and the .jar, ran jar using open with> java SE, ive also tried disabling all the components of mcaffees and deleting everything and downloading the launcher and the tekkit pack and running with no difference, im not completely sure if my mcafees is turned off properly but everything is downloading fine i think, it has no errors in the launcher before login. also in the error log is says is 64bit: 'false', my computer is 64 bit though and i have 64bit java installed so im not sure if thats wrong somehow
Error Messages:
just mojang screen and crash
Error Log: