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About JackIndivisible

  • Birthday 12/21/1996

JackIndivisible's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I can understand all of the banned items, (though the rings begrudingly) except for the ender chests, and especially the crafting table mark II/III. Why the ender chests? I can see some issues with lag, having 16^3 chests for every person. But what about the crafting table? I can see no reason. If you could explain this to me, I'd be very apreciative. Thank you.
  2. IGN: ronanc Age: 16 Experience with Tekkit: I made a machine block! *glows* Why were you banned?: N/A Though, what items are banned, if any? I don't think it's quite addressedin the OP.
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