So as you can see from the thread title I am currently looking into creating a tekkit RP server. So far i have a concept, and would like to see if it is
1. Possible to implement the neccissary plugins
2. Intrest in playing on this
3. Any tips or tricks that the more experienced tekkit server owners know and are willing to share.
4. Recommended server specs that work for a lag free tekkit world (or 2)
Concept preview story thing.
Its time to begin the day. Your first day of many more to come. And with that you stride purposefully down the dingy streets, dyed with the color of industrial growth, to the only place which can fill your pockets with the all-mighty Industrial credit. The Iero Corporation. It is the only place in this world that provides the necessary goods and services to maintain a "modern" existence. You think for just a second that maybe you could produce your "own" goods from factories, but that thought is quickly drowned out by the growling of your stomach. And so We welcome you prospective employee. Come and join the ranks of the aspiring Hopefuls. Join us and decide your fate. Will you Work diligently in the factories in hopes of being promoted to a higher rank, or will you attempt to strike out on your own and form your own Corporation? Will you steal from others and create a black market empire based on the selling of drugs, firearms, and contraband? Or will you become an enforcer of the law, and protect others from the evil drug cartels. You the players, are the only ones who can decide the fate of this world.
What im planning on doing for plugins
World gaurd (spawn protection and admin builds)
Some form of crafting blocker
(for npc's such as a white collar worker, or a crack head to buy and sell drugs)
Probably iconomy
(any suggestions for a plugin that allows for separate virtual currencys to be traded for the IC coins would be apreciated)
Stimulatory (Drug plugin)
Possibly Multi Verse (depending on how i decide to set up the Iero Corp Factories)
Currently testing plugins on a personal Hamatchi Server before i invest into a hosting service
Any advice would be greatly apreciated.
thank you