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Posts posted by PoundSake

  1. Tekkit Lets Play!

    Hello everybody I am Andrew a gaming commentator and I am doing a series on tekkit! Quick note before anything: Yes, I am young and do have a small channel but that also means I read every single comment I get!

    Here are a few reasons which may convince you to watch

    - I am not the best at Minecraft therefor it does contain some funny failures and deaths which some of you people enjoy watching.

    - You can tell me what to do: Since I am a very small channel reading comments is very easy so you can suggest things to build and interact with the series!

    - 100% LEGIT. I will not once in this series cheat anything in!

    - I record everything I do except from strip mining and that sort of stuff. So any cave venturing or crafting can be watchable!

    Hopefully this convinced you to at least try out the video out!

    Ill update this thread as I release more episodes!

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