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Everything posted by Oi_Behind_You

  1. IGN:Oi_Behind_You Age:15 Suggestion for the server: Get a multi world system so we have mining worlds and stuff like that Keep going with the server it looks great and hopefully i got accepted
  2. Goodbye everyone and thanks for a good run on one of my favorite tekkit servers and blackie if you think so you made the right decision because i do
  3. Blackielife i'm very mad. i got banned again for no reason and i learnt my lesson the first time. i was going to donate $40 today but i dont see why i should now. Whoever banned me did it for the wrong reason and should say sorry for thier mistake. Blackie please unban me
  4. guys the server is down because blackie is sleeping and it crashed
  5. Actually message me on here for the questions if your K with that
  6. blackie please unban me i didnt do anything wrong i just wanted my pipe back
  7. it didnt say it just said - Banned: (griefing) and i didnt grief anything. i just took a pipe that was stolen from me it was a liquid teleport pipe
  8. Alex the reason they banned you is because you griefed spawn and you asked for help. you cant ask for help you have to make a ticket and since you didn't make a ticket you got banned. Ill talk to a few of the mods on the server to see what i can do but i cant guarantee that ill be able to convince them. from your good friend -Oi_Behind_You
  9. its only whitelisted so he can get the admins on to help him without everyone joining
  10. I really hope i keep everything in my bags because i gt my first red matter before the restart and Dakin we still building base together?
  11. Can you please check my ban appeal at the stalvor forums

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