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Everything posted by himynamesjamie

  1. Title: Railcraft coke oven's GUI not working Version: 3.1.2 OS: win7 Java Version: 6 Description of Problem: when i open the GUI on the coke oven im unable to place any coal in the slot. this happens both in multiplayer and single player. when hovering over the area i notice this little box highlights nothing can be dropped in this box either..any ideas? my friend has the same problem too so its not just me Error Messages: Error Log:
  2. IGN: himynamesjamie Age:22 Timezone:GMT How long have you been playing tekkit: 4 months How often will you be on the server: all the time, usually more than 4 hours a day Would you like to join the teamspeak(optional): indeed!
  3. Launcher Version: 3 Operating System: win7 Java Version: 7 Antivirus Program: Description of Problem: when joining my own server it does that. the figure up a head is a n enderman. thats all i can see, just silhouettes Error Messages: Error Log:
  4. Title: buggy group permissions Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: win7 Java Version: 7 Description of Problem: my server has decided to not let my friend delete/place blocks. his rank is builder and has been fine up until now. ive reset the server a number of times and checked the group/user .YML files and its all correct. :S:S also could it have anything to do with me getting this message on the console.. [WARNING] erroe loading railcraft save data: not in gzip format? Error Messages: Error Log:
  5. Title: unable to craft tekkit items on private server Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Win7 64bit Java Version: java 7 Description of Problem: not entirely sure if this is the right place to be posting this buuuut... when trying to make any tekkit item such as cables, machine blocks and tree taps the items show up for a blink of an eye in the output box but then disappear it works in single player but just not on my server, any suggestions ? Error Messages: Error Log:
  6. Title: unable to craft tekkit items on private server Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Win7 64bit Java Version: java 7 Description of Problem: not entirely sure if this is the right place to be posting this buuuut... when trying to make any tekkit item such as cables, machine blocks and tree taps the items show up for a blink of an eye in the output box but then disappear it works in single player but just not on my server, any suggestions ? Error Messages: Error Log:
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