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About KingsCake

  • Birthday 04/05/1987

KingsCake's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Wow by some miracle i fixed it... seems the problem is not AVG antivirus but the linkscanner part of the antivirus, disable it and the download goes through without a problem
  2. I am actually having the same problem as well... so with me i have to use the .jar file in order to even get to the main mod menus, after selecting the mod it starts to download and freezes usually after a couple of seconds, now i have tried disabling AVG, installing java (64bit, 32, or both) and still nothing same result. deleting the files in %appdata% doesnt help, clearing the cache does nothing for me either, all my drivers are up to date including java. is there anything else i can do to make this work? manual instal of the mods or a different launcher version? i am running out of ideas and forum/google searches anything at all will be a welcomed help
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