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About JesusNix

  • Birthday 11/01/1989

JesusNix's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. thanks, i actually really like lockette. problem is I cannot find the download anywhere. BukkitDev pretty much sends me in a circle trying to find it. It says check here only to be sent back to the forum. Does anyone know where I can find the official download of 1.7 or even an older version?
  2. Yes this is an option but still doesnt fix the actual problem at hand. Although until there is a fix I may give it a shot. Do you know if the plugin will effect IC2 type items? for example it says it can protect chest and furnace, etc. Will this also apply to the personal safe, electric furnace, macerator, etc. Thanks
  3. I have noticed that personal chest no longer have the ability to keep your stuff safe to only you and OP. I tried some searching and I cannot find a solution to this. It appears from what I read it is a new problem to 3.1.1 Has anyone found a way to fix this? Is it a personal error or a error with the code. Also if there is no fix, is it difficult/possible to revert my server back to a version that they are working in. Thank you,
  4. Not sure what caused it I assume it was due to the fact I had loaded the server with out all mods on the first start. So possibly it assigned incorrect values when compared to the client that had installed all the mods. I fixed it by making a new server, letting all mods load on first start up. In theory applying all the correct image values. Then it worked.
  5. So i put my money(resources) where my mouth is and it turns out the items are what should be created its just the images that are the problem and they dont reflect the correct item. Also still crashing client on attempt to OP any belkons weapons or railcraft same with recipce crafting for those mods.
  6. I have been working on getting a server together and playing with some settings to get things all set to add some people to play with, while playing on my own a bit. I tried to create a pump from buildcraft using the [iron][redstone][iron] [iron][iron gear][iron] [iron][iron pick][iron] this then gives me a deployer instead of a pump, although I noticed it is a pump for a brief second if that then turns to deployer. I tried this also on creative mode Singe player using raw materials to craft and I received the pump just fine. So it would appear this has something to do with the server files. Not sure if anyone else has had a problem like this before or knows of a way to go about fixing this. Also using the deployers recipe on the server gives me a land anchor from railcraft. On another note I cannot craft any railcraft or Belkins weaponmods items without being kicked from the server. I have not tried takign the land anchor from the window to see what happens in fear of crashing the server. So anything you guys/gals got for ideas lets here em.
  7. Mods: Industrialcraft Advanced machines Nuclear control Charging bench Buildcraft Balkons Weapons mod Powerconverters Railcraft Redpower
  8. I am currently working on setting up/hosting a server. I decided to give tekkit a try after a friend suggested it as an alternative to installing 10 mods. The installs never bothered me but some players are turned off by it, so here we are. Anyways I am looking for up to 8 players who are interested in building up a world from scratch with me and a couple friends. I am running through the tekkit mods now and seeing what to keep and what to boot. I want more machinery than alchemy though. Here is my list of keepers so far. I am more than open to input from the community to what else should be added and why, or what should be removed and why. I will be updating the list throughout the day based off of suggestions.
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