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Everything posted by SwiftSpear

  1. Follow the directions of the first post in the thread please.
  2. This server is really cool. I was dreading starting a new server again, it can take quite a while to establish yourself again in tekkit from zero... but twice people helped me significantly with start up stuff so I didn't have as much of a hassle with it. One of those two, the guy flew around in the nether with me to find me a nether fortress which allowed me to collect blaze rods, nether wart, and nether brick stairs, blocks, and fences. He spent about half an hour of his time helping me just for the sake of helping. I don't think I've ever played on a server before that has had less lag than verve; it helps that I'm close to the place the server is located, but it's also not one of those servers that's running a 40 player slot on a machine that really can only handle 15 players at a time. The only down side: I encountered a glitch that caused 10 creepers to spawn in about a 10x10 room that I have all my machines in. I'm really not sure how that happened, but because creeper explosions don't destroy buildings on this server it was more funny and amusing than a real hassle, although they did manage to kill me once. So watch out for literal crowds of creepers in inappropriate places, but otherwise you should find this server pretty awesome! :0)
  3. "scant" means it's too short, you're not telling him enough about yourself and how you'll fit into the community.
  4. Frequenter: Sorry, I haven't seen you on the server yet, do you mind if I build stuff near spawn or is there something planned there already? It will be something decently impressive, not a giant wooden house full of quarries or something. I'm currently thinking some sort of factory with lots of visually impressive mechanics. Something like a buchery or something (sure, you can condense food, but that's no fun!)
  5. Your In Game Name: SwiftSpear Your Age: 26 How often are you planning on playing: 2-20 hours per week *edit after seeing some of the other applications I'll clarify this: I'm studying computer science in university, I have some weeks that are busy and I can't spare much time. Other times I have some cool project in mind and I'm pretty much addictively attracted to Minecraft. I'm likely to either be on A LOT or very little depending on how busy school is any how interesting whatever my current project is. For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: Blaze rod/energy condenser factory, manufacturing quantum armor and redmatter furnaces For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I want to play with railcraft and redmatter computers more, plus work on big projects that enable me to use my skills to help others doing increadibly cool things. For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I'm sick of monster servers with horrific lag, 12 year old admins who only care about malicious power, rampant griefing, and manditory donation structures for most of the items I want to use. I don't need the items that can blow up the world, but I want to use tekkit to it's fullest. And you seem like a pretty tight knit and constructive crew. Additional Comments: see you in game
  6. IGN: SwiftSpear Reason for wanting to become a member?: The last tekkit server I was using banned condensors and swiftwolfs and broke transmutation tablets, which was bothersome because I couldn't work on any of the big projects I wanted to do. Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?: Yes, they're normal rules for all tekkit servers.
  7. Roguenk doesn't have any bans either http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/0a494ffd55bea46f5df76690ecf77c3169ed5f44
  8. -SwiftSpear -26 -Medium, Running a couple nuclear gens a couple full level energy condenser flowers and 2 quarries on a solar/generator night day cycle switch on my single player. I'm weakest with red power right now -Yes, they're common fare I've seen on many other minecraft servers -http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/56071eaf80755ef7098677174c66bb6fab2a0af3
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