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About DirtyRot123456789

  • Birthday 02/19/1996

DirtyRot123456789's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Hey, i play on your servers quite regularly, and it's lagging and it's down alot, Is there a reason for that? -Drak aka AndersTheBossv

  2. not on DirtCraft Tekkit unfortunatly however i do need staff on DirtCraft Vanilla and DirtCraft FTB check out the website for more information
  3. You have been banned for duping or cheating or griefing something that isn't supposed to be griefed e.g.. creative world. I cannot specificity say why you have been banned since i have my staff do most the banning. also the server isn't down and it wasn't at 6:23 either
  4. Ahh I'm back sorry for the server being down for like a month but I've been studying for my exams and doing practikum, and then i had a trip to Paris so... Anyway I do not know why you're banned, what is your ingame name? also It's a lot of fun being an owner of a server (in my case servers), but it's also a lot of hard work, and there is VERY much configuration you have to do especially when it comes to the permission and ranks, also if you're new it'll be hard to find the correct version of the plugins you need ect. Hope that helped ;)
  5. Ye sorry we had some triangulatory problems the bugs fixed now hopefully :D
  6. I actually don't know how to post on here... -.-

    1. DirtyRot123456789


      ehh...you mean a advertisement or what?

  7. We have found that this problem has something to do with the inventory corrupting, we will need to clear your inventory in order for you to be able to play on our server again, please inform us with your ingame name so we can help you :D
  8. Ye some staff member turned it off yesterday night but its all fine now, he thought it lagged too much and so closed it -.- twat really :P
  9. just want to bring to the attention that The server has been reset, none legit items will be confiscated, so like duped stuff and /given stuff, this can easily be seen as the server has been reset
  10. yes sorry there was a illegal drop-party and some of the staff members tried cleaning it up by banning some players, they should really just have done /ci which clears your inventory.
  11. We were experiencing difficulties with a Triang:2,58386 error. it has been fixed now. sorry for the inconvenience.
  12. If you guys can't see the website right now it's because www.webs.com is down (the hosts of my website)
  13. To your content he has now been demoted, because all he was complained about 3 times
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