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Everything posted by DirtyRot123456789

  1. not on DirtCraft Tekkit unfortunatly however i do need staff on DirtCraft Vanilla and DirtCraft FTB check out the website for more information
  2. You have been banned for duping or cheating or griefing something that isn't supposed to be griefed e.g.. creative world. I cannot specificity say why you have been banned since i have my staff do most the banning. also the server isn't down and it wasn't at 6:23 either
  3. Ahh I'm back sorry for the server being down for like a month but I've been studying for my exams and doing practikum, and then i had a trip to Paris so... Anyway I do not know why you're banned, what is your ingame name? also It's a lot of fun being an owner of a server (in my case servers), but it's also a lot of hard work, and there is VERY much configuration you have to do especially when it comes to the permission and ranks, also if you're new it'll be hard to find the correct version of the plugins you need ect. Hope that helped ;)
  4. Ye sorry we had some triangulatory problems the bugs fixed now hopefully :D
  5. We have found that this problem has something to do with the inventory corrupting, we will need to clear your inventory in order for you to be able to play on our server again, please inform us with your ingame name so we can help you :D
  6. Ye some staff member turned it off yesterday night but its all fine now, he thought it lagged too much and so closed it -.- twat really :P
  7. just want to bring to the attention that The server has been reset, none legit items will be confiscated, so like duped stuff and /given stuff, this can easily be seen as the server has been reset
  8. yes sorry there was a illegal drop-party and some of the staff members tried cleaning it up by banning some players, they should really just have done /ci which clears your inventory.
  9. We were experiencing difficulties with a Triang:2,58386 error. it has been fixed now. sorry for the inconvenience.
  10. If you guys can't see the website right now it's because www.webs.com is down (the hosts of my website)
  11. To your content he has now been demoted, because all he was complained about 3 times
  12. Yea very sorry I had been on holiday and when I came home I found that the internet cable which my server was using wasn't properly connected, which is weird since it had been working fine until suddenly. Its up now again
  13. Right now if you searched the Internet you would find that the server network was down, so to say you shouldn't be able to connect to any server ATM, the server however is up and running just find, no error message or anything.
  14. Actually that's not really the case, I have told my staff that I don't want to know about every little matter and that they should be able to sort stuff out themselves, else I would have my hands full all the time. And a ban of a player isn't really too concerning, sorry to say in relation to a super admin abusing his powers for example. So yes communication is key, but you have to remember priorities too counts.
  15. Thank you zidclaw and ye the server is up again now ^^ had to reset though...sry and lochness why did you not say that from the begging, we have already had other complaints about the guy. My system is 3 warnings then a full derank. He is on his 2nd warning now
  16. The statements you have listed are correct,however I can't use it, and you haven't done what I told you to, names of staff who abuse and what you are saying is still rather abstract I mean sure I check the log once in a while but I can't actually look over the server 24/7. Please refrain from using abstract concepts and try give me something concrete
  17. Since you say there is abusive staff on my server could you please list some names so I can at least get rid of them. Also if you want to be unbanned you have to write to the email address on the DirtCraft website. Also what is your ingame name? The server is a greif and survival server by the way so don't complain if you get greifed. Please give me some concert critic instead of what you had written. It's abstract, you can't really grasp it and its emotional. I'd rather have a list of things, you know head on
  18. 1.st Please use the website for complaints 2.nd please use the website for complaints! thank you very much
  19. sorry you guys there seems to be just a slight problem, it does random end of stream, I need a good no lag plugin and don't suggest nolagg because that doesn't work.
  20. DirtCraft Tekkit (tekkit classic!) is a fairly unknown server, it has been up for about a year, and the majority of people who play, have played on this server find it as their main server, since there actually isn't any lag. The server was reset 11-07-2013! New world and everything! Thing is this server is hosted by the the creator himself. There is no lag and its up 24/7, although there are sometimes problems and the server is down for about an hour or 2. I would defiantly recommend you to at least visit the server. There are NO banned items, and a free creative world as well as great spawn of a Shuttle. You can build as soon as you are outside spawn. There seriously is nothing bad you can say about this server, fine there isn't always staff on, and the server can be down sometimes, but I myself find it as if I've stumbled upon a great treasure, I really just want to share it. They also have a website, where you can become member for free and get news feed and such. Server Rules: Only one nuke per house!, no Greifing in Creative, or on spawn Plugins: TekkitRestrict, ChopTree2, Essentials, Multiverse, Worledit, Worldguard, Mcjobs, Chestshop, LWC, Pex http://dirtcraftservers.webs.com/ and the IP is dirtcraftserver.zapto.org:25566 These are the Ranks: - Default, - Advertiser, - Member, - VIP, - VIP+, - VIP++, - Moderator, - Admin, - SuperAdmin, - Owner and seriously at least visit it, It's one of those you can play on forever! PS. there are normally around 5 people on no matter what, and in rush hour up to 20, there has been over 100,000 visits by now Made by Rot123456789 DirtCraft Server Owner
  21. same thing happens to me as to war jebus -.-
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