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  1. wow I guess I hadn't made this post too far back(quoting post date above)... Though it feels likes months since I made this suggestion request... no one had replied so I was wondering if anyone had actually seen it or not ;_; =( I have been using the update mods - Rei's Minimap (v3.2_05)(MC-v1.2.5) - mod_macros_0.9_beta1_for_1.2.5 (It works but since the Console does not appear to be accessible on ssp map at home I have not been able to use it but it does work online Tekkit Classic Server I have been on.) Improved Chat Mod since it is an older mod has to be added into the minecraft.jar manually so should be done by the Tekkit Team themselves...
  2. one mod that can be updated is Rei's Minimap =D, here's the link to the older file Rei's Minimap (v3.2_05)(MC-v1.2.5) http://adf.ly/937215/reimm-125 I have manually added it to Tekkit Classic at home and it works fine =D Adding Mumfrey's Macro/keybind mod http://eq2.co.uk/minecraft/mods/oldversions/mod_macros_0.8.7_for_1.2.5.zip http://eq2.co.uk/minecraft/mods/oldversions/mod_macros_0.9_beta1_for_1.2.5.zip The last mod to add is the Improved Chat Mod (A MUST have it totally useful, http://wrongplace.be/files/minecraft_stuff/ImprovedChat_2.5.6a_for_1.2.5_mcforum.zip the last updated version for (mc-v1.2.5)
  3. the latest version of Macros/Keybind require Light Loader, has he was have trouble waiting for Mod loader to properly get updated so Light loader has to be in the Jar
  4. lol yeah I get it... about Macro/Keybind can it be added to a list for testing then as I have found it to be absolutely indispensable being on Multiplayer Servers or with Single Player Commands.... and there is that other one so I what I am asking *is* are both - Macro/KeyBind - Single Player Commands not functional with Tekkit or Technic? that is if any one knows... I tried Macro/Keybind out by manually adding it to the \.techniclauncher\tekkit\mods seems to work just fine with Tekkit, though I have not tried Single Player Commands... yet with either Tekkit or Technic. I'm finding I love Technic for ssp use... but its lagging pretty bad when it reaches or 1.2GB of ram use (funny I have it only set to 1GB allocated in the Launcher.... as 1.5GB is only allocating some 300MB of ram O_o not sure why... memory leak issues?)
  5. loi..... back on topic? who... is a good person (developer?) to talk to here, PM, email..... I'm looking for contact info I guess? idk... so when i see updates for Mods like Rei's MiniMap and and suggestions like adding the mod Macro/Keybind I can let some one know (helping out the Tekkit team in some way....
  6. I guess I should take that as a compliment loi o-O I talk about and try to Enlighten those I know and meet (Conspiracy, Health, NewAge, NewAge Tech, etc) Mt username taken from a Legendary RPG(or biblical account by some peoples measure), Chrono Trigger, Melchior was the Sage of Life, during the time of an Ancient Magical Kingdom. ^_^ lol and I finish reading you new comment afterwards loi ^_^
  7. ahh... well to be honest I wasn't sure which sub-forum would have been the best location to post it so I placed it one that was about Tekkit.. feel free to have it moved to the appropriate sub-forum. lol about the bumping.. the post seemed to have gotten lost on the 2nd page rather quickly so I wanted to make sure it was seen so that which I am trying to bring in help to Tekkit was seen ;;;; btw... ahh Who is "Helen Heller"? (jumps on Google.. oHhh lol)
  8. sry but was that some kind of sarcasm? meaning what I had to offer wasn't really wanted o_O ;_;?
  9. sry bout that... yeah they are client side mods but Rei's Minimap *is* included with Tekkit and Technic Mod Packs ie they are auto updated (as so far as being pushed to client side)... or is it just included in general via the Technic Launcher? Tekkit version = {[1.2.5]ReiMinimap_v3.2_03.zip} Technic version = {[1.2.5]ReiMinimap_v3.0_something.zip} Current version = {[1.2.5]ReiMinimap_v3.2_04.zip} I don't have this resetting problem via Minecraft's own launcher(see below)... maybe it was do to switching between the Dev and Recommended release channels... because I been on the Dev Update channel since after I fiddled with it and created a new map then tried moving to the " Recommended release channel" only to find plenty of things went missing so I moved back to Dev Channel... but since Tekkit v3.1.1 was just released the other day, so it might be ok to move back to the stable channel... oh I just noticed it hasn't been pushed to recommended yet.... its not really ok for the launcher to be deleting stuff like setting of Rei's Mini Map and Macro/Keybind.. though this could be do to the launcher cleaning the Mod folder and recopying mod's zip file back over during any updates... or it was do to me changing the release channel.. anyhow to kinda deal with this I use a set of Windows NT Command Script {.cmd} to automate the backup and restoring process plus I use a utility by a group called System Internals Windows Sysinternals > Downloads > File and Disk Utilities > Junction I have the ".Minecraft" ".techniclauncher" folders mapped to a separate HDD I use for games/Content as to not clutter the Doc's and Settings... which works fine as I am the only one on this PC. I added the Mod_settings for those two mods to my cmd backup/restore files. with the following Mods - HD-Fix - Mod Loader - Improved Chat Mod - Single Player Commands (some times) and loaded via Mod loader are: -- Rei's Minimap -- Macro/Keybind mod ps: do you know who I could/should contact to let them know Rei's Minimap has an update and if they could include Macros/Keybind in future updates if possible and *if* the mod author doesn't mind as well?
  10. bump *incase the devs didn't see it* sry
  11. A friend recently showed me Tekkit and the Technic Launcher WOW I noticed sooo many new Item options one Mod I find to be an essential Mod is one called [1.2.5] Macro / Keybind mod v0.8.7 another would be the Improved Chat Mod.. sadly very soo not updated ;_; PS: I noticed that the Tekkit's copy of Rei's Minimap is currently outdated, thought I'd mentioned it. Tekkit version = {[1.2.5]ReiMinimap_v3.2_03.zip} Current version = {[1.2.5]ReiMinimap_v3.2_04.zip} [1.2.5][Jun.23] Rei's Minimap v3.2_04 PS2: this part is kind of a bug report maybe not sure... I have noticed for the two above Mods Rei's Minimap and Macro/Keybind the folders for there settings are located in the mod folder and seem to be getting destroyed and reset some times during a Tekkit Update... this sucks as I use both extensively.... and have to copy the files over from my main Minecraft folder each time it happens since its something of a bug report, OS : Windows XP Pro 32bit (SP3)(always up to date) JTE : Java version 7 update 5 (32bit) Ram: 4 GB of GSKILL 800Mhz (3GB usable) Using Tekkit Dev setting to get the latest stuff, but though since v3.1.1 appears to be out I could set it back to the Recommended release channel. PS3: I was not 100% sure where to place this post as there does not seem to be a mod request sub-forum
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