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Everything posted by Ziinia

  1. Hmmm, let me google that for you... http://lmgtfy.com/?q=World+Anchor
  2. THIS almost got me packing my bags(And I had to read it a few times to comprehend). But since we got the new technic now, I'll stay home for a few... weeks.
  3. It's alright, my mum is getting married tomorrow so I was quite busy It still concerns the American... culture(?) so I don't mind at all. And I am always for people expressing their opinions, as long as they keep it clean (but do tell them off if it does bother you too much) I believe my mother might have gone to New Mexico sometime last year. I'll have to check the pictures on my cam.
  4. That really cheered me up now ahaha. I am sure the lovely members here wouldn't do anything bad... On a side note someone told me: "Technically no one knows you're here. If I kill you and dump your body in the swamp no one will know. And if they ask for you I'll just tell them you went to Detroit and never came back". But seriously, they made 3 spelling errors in my surname, which is 4 letters long. And to fix that it's going to take 3 weeks. Gee thanks, apoligies accepted... wait, YOU DIDN'T APOLOGISE!>rant over< I actually like it quite a bit. The people are nicer than in Scotland, they smile more. One thing I don't get is why my neighbour practices shooting at 2am every saturday night...
  5. Oh, I heard that there was a study that says that watching Fox News actually decreases intelligence. So thanks for the fair warning, but you can say that I was catious about it already. And yes, rugby is intense. back in my school days my school team won some kind of big shot competition in the country I believe. I just can't get obsessed about sports, other the ones I play myself anyway. Funny you mention the weather. It's tundering right now, and it's so hot it's impossible to sleep with windows closed = unable to sleep because it's damn loud. I am used to rain though. I lived at the sea, and since end of march we had barely any nice weather, mostly rain. And England wasn't better off with floods again. Well, I'm waiting to get residence right now, I don't even have a SSN, really hoping to start looking for a job soon. They managed to mess up so much with paperwork it's crazy. Tsk Tsk Tsk (why do I feel like I shouldn't talk so much...)
  6. Yeah I realised how wrong it sounds, thats why the tiny edit. Obviously didn't save the situation for me here. I deserve to be known as an idiot. Oh joy, I stay in a state a God originated from!? I'm gonna be blessed for life. I do see quite a lot of banners for Sheriff and some kind of other positions, so I guessed something is happening. (First reaction: "OMG you have actual sheriffs!? These still exist?!") I still have no TV, my stepdad doesn't care for these, so I'm gonna miss the best of it probably. I went to a beach last Tuesday. All I know, it was a lakeside, and that there was a town, then a forest, then a campside, and then the beach access. I better get the name from my stepdad... Anyway, the beach was nice, very clean, and I saw some real life walruses having BBQ and drinking beer in the water. Once in a lifetime opportunity. As for sports, I do know that it's a real big phenomenon over here. Especially with baseball and stuff. I meant to ask what Nascar is, but I prefered to google it, I'm not ready to change the colour of my username yet. I heard however that sport events can get pretty rough. I went to a football(soccer as you say it...) match when I was 15 back in Poland. I'm surprised I'm still alive to tell the tale. When they turn left? Don't they always turn left? Don't kill me, but I think I prefer F1.
  7. Woah, I'll have to do some digging around these topics, seems interesting, however... Are you sure the forums won't be shut down by the government or something? Or won't you be killed in your bed by some organisation? I'm starting to realise not everything about this country is as perfect as they picture it back in Europe. (And going back to the topic, I forgot about ***drumroll*** Walmart. So I'm going there tomorrow ) Edit: I don't mean perfect as in perfect... We do mock the "American Nation" as well...
  8. You must be tiny then! I don't know if I want to be involved, I still have to listen to a whole lot of drama from previous countries of residence. Especially Poland :/ I did hear some things tho, like for example that some guy on the top (do you guys have mayors here?) said something along the lines "We don't need any whities here". I'm hoping I won't have to go back there anytime soon. It's just sad to see cities fall like that because of bad management and weird ideals.
  9. Yeah, truth is, the first time I left to even do some shopping it was a 4h trip. I was terrified, already had a vision of me, barely able to walk, majorly obese etc, with all that sitting in the car. It does take about 2h for me to get to Detroit, so Niagara would be a bit longer then. The distances are quite overwhelming, yes. I used to take trips to Edinburgh and Glasgow for shopping, and to see friends who went to university there. Now the same time I'm spending on grocery shopping. (okay, I may exaggerate a bit here) Yeah... I'll be honest... I was terrified and kept on asking to go to the car. I am not racist in any way, but I have to say that on that day, I was geniuely scared seeing a group of black men approaching lol They even said Hi. That left me baffled xD Oh and then my stepdad decided to drive us through the black areas of the city... yay
  10. I am pretty jet lagged it took me a while to wake up lol thanks guys for the replies Don't tell a woman to get laid. Just...just don't lol xD Anyway, that's some major projects here. Thankfully I'm still not settled here and have no job, so there's time... I am getting a car sometime next week. As soon as I get used to driving on the other side of the road and all streets being straight and flat... Thanks, these are very unique Oh yes indeed. I do live quite away from the civilisation here. And there are quite a few areas of protected wildlife. Many lakes as well. But yes, the "promenade" in Detroit was simply a joke.If someone had told me I would be walking for x hours on a concrete path with barely any wildlife around I would laugh and rather stay at home and hope for some animal visits at the our feeder. Thanks for the tip (And I am pretty sure you are thinking about Minecraft here xD) Yes. I'm sorry But I tried it, and I will never go back, that's for sure! I could swear that I saw my dead grandfather calling out to me from the other side on the way home... These are things I'm really looking forward to. I actually hoped to go to Leakycon next month, but I'll be busy. Mother goes off on a honeymoon and I'll have to watch the dog lol. Buy yeah I will keep an eye out for that. Thanks As I said above I am getting a car soon so that will certainly be an option. I am also hoping to go to the Niagara falls (even tho technically it's not even the USA). I am just scared I would fall asleep behind the wheel with all the same looking streets and places. Adding to the list, thank you :)
  11. So... I just moved to America from the cold and rainy Scotland. It's so hot here! Ayway, since I don't know anyone who's from these parts of the world, except for my stepdad to be, I wanted to ask people what you just have to try to do here when you are still relatively young (20). So far I went for food, since these are the things you learn from TV and stuff... So I've been to Wendys and Tacobell, I tried Twinkies and Suzy Qs (I'm surprised I'm still alive), tried kool aid. On the other side I went to see Detroit (which seemed a lot like a ghost city) and I was kinda forced to tag along to a Santana concert as well. Oh and I have been to some shopping centres which names I already forgot... So anyway I haven't seen much, and I was hoping for some real life suggestions The state I'm staying at right now is Michigan, if it does matter. On a side note, after being able to drink for over 2 years, it's horrible to suddenly not be legal again...
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