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Everything posted by jman116

  1. Avagatro , Can you whitelist me jman116 , i used to play on the server before and was approved to be allowed creative mode and I know all the mods and am very familiar with tekkit . Thanks, jman116
  2. In controls it should say what they are used for .and how come i cant update tekkit to 3.1.2 ?
  3. Im awesome a tekkit :D How about you ?

  4. Dude can u make me white listed ? D: Why did you add white list D: ? I love that server ...

  5. Thank you so much i love this server can u unban philosiphers stone ? :D

  6. hey avo on star battle server i acidentally made a iron shovel witch gives you this error : java.util.zip.ZipException: Not in GZIP format

    could u delete the iron shovel or my inventory so i could continue playing thanks and my profile name is : jman116

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