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Everything posted by SpecialJay

  1. Check out my channel? Got 10k views and 27 subscribers haha, Got a few Tekkit videos up, pretty much crap, but bringing out a load of new content in the next week, so go over, sub, like and all that good shit. If you haven't seen I have a post about Technic series, go check that out and apply, the forum is under "Lets Play Tekkit | 3 More Players Needed." My YouTube: http://www.YouTube.com/SpecialJayy
  2. -Attention- Do not inbox me on this forum, I don't really check anymore, I await Skype messages if anything.
  3. Some people get confused with sorting machines so here is a simple setup. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY8rzj_UpmU
  4. We are recruiting again, answer the following: Age: Have you previously commentated: YouTube channel: Tekkit Profession (Buildcraft, Railcraft): Skype Name: We are looking for someone who specialises with RAILCRAFT most importantly, but we are accepting other people as well. Past experience of commentating is also great, It'll help us A LOT. Looking for people above the age of 15 (No offence to people under the age). You must have hamachi as I am hosting the server and don't want people going on and spawning things in or inviting random people into the server.
  5. So, I did a series about Nuclear Reactors and the setup but It was kind of a fail! So I'm now remaking my guide, So here's part 1 (Housing The Reactor) Part 2 will be how you actually build it and part 3 the inside setup. The expensive reactor housing setup you may not need your walls to be 3 thick, you can try 2 but I play it safe. Like, Subscribe, Comment . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28wMnzH-kTo
  6. What the hell are you talking about? I never mentioned anything about a mod.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leTjdemZJz8 Just started my series, Hope I can get some people from Tekkit to follow it! I have some Idea's on what to build so please, Go leave some feedback and maybe like and subcribe?
  8. It's okay bro.
  9. Just saying because you know how pissy alot of the community are about using peoples Idea's etc etc
  10. Isn't this basically what the Yogscast are currently doing?
  11. & Episode 2 will be released tomorrow I think.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpgEAVUVOfQ < Our first Episode, watch subscribe, like, comment etc and try and see if you could join us!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpgEAVUVOfQ It's a SMP with my friends, you've probably seen our post about recruiting people, well here it is, our first episode, It'd would be AMAZING If you could, Like, Subscribe, comment and maybe favorite? You'd be helping us out A LOT!
  14. Dan, I'm sorry your offended but people want videos that are made by older people, you can tell a good video by a persons voice. Warpseed, Dauntless add me on Skype: PorkyPigeon
  15. Our Series will OFFICIALLY be out Saturday or Sunday. Subscribe to: http://www.youtube.com/SpecialJayy The series is going to be fantastic! Come and subscribe and wait for the upload!!! I have other videos you can check out in the mean time.
  16. I'm not accepting anyone under 15. I'm sorry, Not due to squeaky voices or anything its because of experience and maturity.
  17. Still looking for 2 more people!!! Link to my other thread:http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/lets-play-tekkit-3-more-players-needed.21563/#post-167352 Link to my update video, check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTUH1RMNVmg
  18. Looking for 2 more people to join us. Anyone? We've currently got 3 guys (Discluding my friends)
  19. Shouldn't this be in: http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/lets-play-pavillion.40/
  20. I currently have 2 players (My friends) Ready to start a Tekkit series. I'm looking for another 3 to join us, Inbox or Post below if anyones interested in Commentating. All videos will be Rendered in 720p (YouTube doesn't recognize true 1080p) via Sony Vegas with an added Intro. An episode will be released everyday on my channel when we have the people. All I ask is for you to answer these questions: Your age: Have you commentated before: Tekkit Profession (Red Power or Buildcraft etc): Skye name (So we can record voice):
  21. Thanks Torezu & stringburka, Rotary is good yeah suppose, but isn't that the one that you have to like wait for it to gain aload of energy then it works good? Then when your stuffs done it decreases the speed when nothings in. The Rotary is good I think when you just wanna throw everything in one after another but I prefer just doing this because its quick and I had loads of materials lying there and its the same speed all the time, why the hell not Whatever floats your boat I suppose.
  22. Quick tutorial on how to upgrade your machinery, Just started doing this commentary stuff so cut us some slack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DjgXl424Ws
  23. Did a quick video showing people how to max out the speed in which Macerators macerate stuff and the Electric Furnace smelts stuff. I'm not sure of the exact figures I just know 16 oveclockers are needed in the Macerator and 13 in the Electric Furnace. The wiki gave me that info:P Alot of people will know how to do this, but for those who don't I just thought I'd do a sneaky upload so you can make your machines work better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DjgXl424Ws
  24. Like I said, I only used EE in them videos for stuff like TNT, When you have 3 stacks of red matter and like 4 stacks of dark matter there's no point in mining :L Thats the only problem about EE is it takes the "Mine" out of "Minecraft"
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