Name: takuyamon
Age: 13
Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): No thanks
Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? I have messed around with the mods quite a bit in tekkit
what is the purpose of a macerator? The purpose of a macerator is to macerate ores and bars into dust. Because that you get 2 dust from one ore, that can be smelted into bars, macerators are more commonly used to double the gain from ores. From my knowledge it is also the only machine that can provide you with materials to make bronze.
Recommendations(if you been invited): I wasn't recommended by anyone, found this thread on my own when looking for a tekkit server.
Others things i should know: I will more than likely play on this server in periods, pretty much meaning that i'll play for a few days, then i won't play for a few days, and then i'll play for a few days again. However, this might sometimes be different.