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About Knives2498

  • Birthday 01/24/1998

Knives2498's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Why comment on something almost a month old.

    Come on man.

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  2. http://questions.technicpack.net/4960/all-tekkit-things-gone-and-world-backup-trouble?show=4964#c4964

    What I did to make it tekkit again was change it it custom build, but still selected the same build that is used in the Rec. build. It then updated and was normal tekkit again.

    Also, If a button or torch was on a tekkit block, the torch/button didnt break and is still there, just floating.

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  3. Alright. Thanks for the help.
  4. Thanks. I didn't know it added all those things. I think ill start a new world then. And also, where to learn about technic?
  5. So, I have a really good Vanilla world with alot of ores, a good house, etc. Would it be a good idea to use this world, or should I start a new one? Also, where can I learn about the technic pack,what the ores are,what I can craft, etc. I have 0 knowledge of it as I am a new-comer to Technic pack. Thanks!
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