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Everything posted by Iorthol

  1. IGN: Iorthol (Japj15) Age: 25 Relevant skills: I can make a mean sugar cane farm? Wasnt sure what to put here Why do you wish to join: I've been wanting to play on a mod server for a long time and I love Thaumcraft.
  2. Oh yeah 1.5.2 is Thaum3 Thanks for the intel, I'll go take a look for such shenanigans.
  3. Details: I've always been a big fan of Yogbox and Technic Pack (especially thaumcraft2) but I always thought each had their merits and flaws. Yogbox was a fun fantasy feeling pack, I loved the battle towers and better dungeons, it gave me a feel that I had something to accomplish besides just inanely building stuff. Technic Pack on the other hand had Thaum2 and that one mod with the fancy inventory search feature that you could cheat stuff into your inventory with while in survival mode. That was always nice too. I was wondering if anyone knew of any already-made modpacks similar to this idea already around, or if anyone has any advice on how to craft such a modpack. Looking for: Thaumcraft2 Too Many Items 1.2.5 Battle Towers Better Dungeons Rei's Minimap Treecapitator/Axecutioner and then anything else along those lines, those are just the main ones I know I want.
  4. Thanks! That did it. I'd never heard of .jar files before.
  5. Launcher Version: Operating System: Windows XP 32bit Java Version: Antivirus Program: MSE Description of Problem: When I launch the Technic Launcher Updater (Shows up as TechnicLauncher.exe in my downloads folder) it pops up with a small window saying "Checking Launcher Version..." and it shows up just long enough that I had to launch it a few times to be sure what it said. And nothing happens after that window flashes. Error Messages: None Error Log: None?
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