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About Dravenkai

  • Birthday 02/15/1989

Dravenkai's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Yeah wasnt a TC tool lol.
  2. I put my pickaxe in the tool part of the modify/repair area and put a diamond in the top box but nothing pops up in the right, what am I doing wrong?
  3. that would make more sense. I once found one in the middle of the ocean >_>
  4. What is an oil rig? I've seen oil geysers but whats rig.
  5. Well this doesn't explode unless you use a gold pipe.
  6. Thats what my friend thought aswell, but the thing is if it was a loop. the power being generated wouldn't be increased. But in doing this the power actually going into the machine is 200% or more. As Isaid using this I was able to power a quarry fully at normal speed using 1 single redstone engine which normally is not possible. because the redstone engine does not put out enough energy.
  7. Hehe, well like I said I found it completely by accident xD
  8. Yup, just keep in mind the power output won't be reliable on the redstone engine untill it's at full output (red/orange)
  9. 'How did you get water in the nether?
  10. Try rightclicking on the item in NEI.
  11. No offence but you're still a kid yourself.
  12. So I was messing around with power teleport pipes the other night and I came across and interesting glitch. if you set up a power teleport pipe section right next to each other and then place a stone pipe between them this is what happens. This is what is looks like normally. This is with the pipe section between. Also whatever you do, DO NOT put a gold pipe in between it will blow up your pipes. Using this trick I was able to fully power a quarry with 1 single red stone engine. You ight think it's just a visual bug but it's not. If you don't beleive me you can test it yourself. It does increse the power machiens get. It's like it's sucking random power out of subspace.
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