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Everything posted by SethAten

  1. You may have not heard of my little modpack community, it is intentionally rather small. A few months ago I forked technic and re-purposed it to release my own modpacks. However, I've also recently been given access to the beta modpacks system....... I face a tough decision, and I hope the wise persons on this forum can help me with their hopefully unbiased opinion. Please, if you have time, in your answer weigh the pros and cons fairly. I can continue to maintain my re-purposed launcher(aptly named "SA90 Launcher"), which requires me to hand-write loads of metadata, and requires me to generate patches from each released minecraft version to those I wish to support. But don't let the glum tone affect you, I've no problem doing it just as the technic team has yet no problem. Or, I can use the new beta system. I am told it will allow me to have a semblance of version control, to force patches and fixes...almost like my launcher. All I have to do is feed it a zip and tell it what version. Even the minecraft versioning is handled, I'm told. And the technic team will make the downpatches. So what should I do? And it's not even an answer of what launcher pre-exists. I would still have to introduce players to either my launcher or help them find the beta..
  2. Bump just to keep this seen.
  3. As mentioned on IRC, I'ma post my suggestion here on the forum. Seems like the best place soo... The custompacks should link to a yml, not a zip(though zip could be kept for backwards-compat I suppose) and an example custompack.yml is as follows: recommended: 1.0.1 latest: 1.0.2 resources: http://mysite.com/modpack/resources/ builds: 1.0.2: minecraft: 1.4.6 packzip: http://mysite.com/modpack/modpack-1.0.2.zip md5: b24db5c8391ec5c5d93cd0ac083acbdf 1.0.1: minecraft: 1.4.5 packzip: http://mysite.com/modpack/modpack-1.0.1.zip md5: 3accddf64b1dd03abeb9b0b3e5a7ba44 Resources would be a link containing the logo and icons, the builds quite obvious, though MD5 could be optional to make it easy on people. Builds would be a single zip file, just as it is now, and the minecraft version is referenced so that techniclauncher can apply the pack to the proper version. In fact, players could also choose [modpack] versions.
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