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Everything posted by OrphanStrike

  1. IGN: OrphanStrike, Twattle (My younger brother) Have you ever been banned: Both of our account have not been banned What do you plan to do on the server: I plan to just build a bond with my brother. I'm off at college now so this is the one we do to stay connected. We tend to keep to ourself and build. We do put back into the community whenever someone need's help with material/building What is your experience level with Tekkit? The two of us have been playing tekkit for 3month approximately 6 month ago. We took a break.
  2. IGN: OrphanStrike, Twattle (My younger brother) Have you ever been banned: Both of our account have not been banned What do you plan to do on the server: I plan to just build a bond with my brother. I'm off at college now so this is the one we do to stay connected. We tend to keep to ourself and build. We do put back into the community whenever someone need's help with material/building What is your experience level with Tekkit? The two of us have been playing tekkit for 3month approximately 6 month ago. We took a break.
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