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About todds

  • Birthday 12/11/1992

todds's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Replied. :)
  2. Howdy, i'm going to have a Voltz server up in the next few days, monday at the latest. I was posting on here to see if anyone would like to come play around on it. Im planning on putting factions plugins in, the only banned item will be red matter explosives, one world anchor per player most likely, and other then that just whatever people want and can agree on. I'm only really looking for competent mature players as the FOOD HALP STEEL PLOX gets tiring. Would be great if a group of friends came to play and we could have a Voltz war type thing. Server will be up 24/7, hosted in southern california (LA I believe), it'll max around 40 people, and will not be whitelisted. Whether I make the address public or not yet im not sure. Also unless there is a major issue pasting world edits from different worlds, I will offer saving your bunker/base/house in case a world wipe is needed for an update. So if you'd like to join or have any questions just toss me a PM or post a message on here. Any suggestions before I start taking people in (Plugins, settings, etc) would be much appreciated! Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon. :)
  3. Awesome! Will check those both out, anymore input would still be appreciated for anyone else after the same answers as myself. Thanks a ton!
  4. Still looking for any reccomended companies/websites who offer Voltz server hosting, any input would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Any server I could host would be unplayable sadly, or i'd save myself the time and money of going through a company. Though ive found none confirming really that they support Voltz just Tekkit or Vanilla iirc. Great tutorials also Lion, those were what got me hooked on Voltz. Still looking for suggestions!
  6. I'm looking for a website to host a voltz server for me, i'm pretty crummy with doing it myself and what I could manage to host would be horrible. So if you have any reccomendations that'd be great, did a bit of searching in the forums for any threads like this already and didn't find any. Will check back for any replies and reply in kind. Thanks!
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