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About Carstone

  • Birthday 07/08/1987

Carstone's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Yeah thats what i wanted to avoid. My tanks are filling up nicely with new oil, but I wanted to avoid having wooden pipes on all tanks going out to the refinery.. Thanks for your help though! http://carstone.dk/oilstuff.png as you can see on the picture, im pumping out oil from the middle tank, to the right one. I guess i gotta do the same for the left one
  2. Ok, I've tried with redstone engines, but there must be an easier way? than 10 redstone engines and a hell of alot of pipes :(
  3. Hi there! I made a few tanks to keep my oil in, and I'm now converting it to fuel with the refinery. I was just wondering how I can link all my tanks together? Right now the refinery is only using 1 tank, but I have 10+ tanks :-/ Thanks! Carstone Mod Edit: *Bloop*
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