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Posts posted by MaxiumOperations

  1. There is no "lock topic" button for this very reason. Just because you don't feel like talking anymore doesn't mean everyone else is. Only moderators or Admins can lock topics and they don't do that often. Also, use the edit button.

    If people get concerned about it they can make a new topic. Let's not go off topic as far as we have already gone... It went from a suggestion to a hissy fit. It's enough for one night. I gotta go do some work anyways.

  2. Don't blame Mojang, almost 100% of the time it is your fault. My account is fine and no one else has been complaining about it, so it must just be you.

    Is that how it is? Hmm... Interesting... Because I got my password from a random password generator that was a 20 digits long numbers and letters capitalized and lower cased. I literally memorized it in my head and have it written down and taped to my wall in my bedroom which no one can see except my brother and if he had done this crap to me, I would've already found out because he doesn't pull off jokes for that long.

    I'd say that it's almost 100% impossible to guess a randomized password that's completely secure and has no order to it.

    Who's to blame? Mojang... Because they didn't keep my password safe and secure even though they're responsible for it.

  3. Whoa, over reaction much... Pro Tip: Don't start trying to make people feel bad on the internet by saying shit like "my family is poor" and "I only have an hour of free time a day" because there will always be someone else who has it worse off (or can just pretend they have it worse off) than you. If your account really got hacked, that's too bad, but I fail to see how it relates to the developers of this modpack. Like Cheap Shot (one of the developers) said, its not his or anyone else's issue to fix your account.

    It's Mojang's issue to fix my account. I wouldn't've gotten hacked unless they had something they didn't secure such as my password...

    Just pointing out that fact...

  4. My account being hacked isn't a cover at all. My email was changed by the hacker himself which denied me being able to recover my account. If you don't believe that fact, Well I don't have to deal with it. I'm stating facts, Hackers stole my account... How can that "reek" of a lie as a cover?

    I paid my full 20 dollars for Minecraft, My family is poor so it's hard to come by money but I find a way to grab some with work. We barely hang in there as it is. I'm not going to sit there and whine about me being a supposedly "Liar"

    I paid my money and my account got hacked. Simple truth as it is. I now have a warning for talking about the cracked stuff? Ok. Mistake of posting that. Simple as it is...

    And no I don't think my time is more worthy of the developers time. I just simply cannot afford another account at this time and do not have the time to go through and get every mod working all inside my Minecraft launcher. I only have about an hour of fun for a day and then I don't have fun for entire months on Minecraft as it is because of school. I do not have the time to simply spend hours organizing my mods and making it exactly the same as the Technic Launcher's mods. I just don't have the time to do this.

    The transaction ID's being lost when switching over to a new server might be B.S., But I'm not completely sure of the fact right now because they couldn't recognize my transaction ID which lead me to search it and one of the results was that. If you even call me a liar again, I will simply shut you up by locking this topic with a simple response.

    It isn't a cover and you're already frustrating me. I was lucky to even have this weekend to post a topic here and play Minecraft for an hour or two and I get this kind of feedback? Go ruin someone else's night.

    The real issue is that my account got hacked and I'm angry about it so I looked for a temporary alternative and decided to suggest this. Not too hard to understand...

    Besides, The developers probably have more fun than me for a long time anyways. They made this mod and they probably play it all the time.

    I myself only play it once every two months at a time. Not too much fun now is there? Get over it.

  5. There is no "crack" Techinc is the SSP version of the pack. You still need a valid login to use it. Also there is an offline mode, but it requires you to have used the launcher once, to use it just disable your internet.

    Actually there is a crack. It doesn't require a premium account. Basically doesn't go through Minecraft.net.

    I'd say that's a crack, I think. O.o

  6. I doubt if migration would matter with regards to transaction ID. There would be a record of both the transaction and the migration...

    Actually, I watched a YouTube video on this subject. They said that the transaction ID's were deleted or lost when they switched over to a different service for passwords or something with migration...

  7. This part makes no sense. How do you expect to play Tekkit with outdownloading any mods.

    In addition there is an "offline" version of Tekkit. It is called Technic and is built for SMP.


    Why do you hate me :(

    What I mean is, I don't want to download all of the mods that are on Tekkit and put it on my normal Minecraft launcher. It takes time and patience which I have both. But I have school and etc. Sometimes I just need to spend my time being happy. :'(

    I hate hackers because they take things from people like me. I earned my money and my account, Why should it be taken away from me?

    So because your account was "hacked" you expect the dev team to build a whole new launcher specially for the people with "hacked accounts" that would only allow you to play single player Tekkit. This is so weird and backwards that I don't even know what to say.

    I'm saying they could improve upon the launcher they already have. Not make an entirely new one...

    Contact Mojang about getting your account back. We're not doing needless work while you look for a way to "hack your account back" :rolleyes:

    The transaction ID I gave Mojang wasn't recognized because of the migration of accounts, Sadly... Although Notch hasn't responded to me in months. Since Mojang itself couldn't help me, I decided to go about it my own way and ABSOLUTELY refuse to buy another account without exhausting everything I can possibly do to get my Minecraft account back.

    In addition there is an "offline" version of Tekkit. It is called Technic and is built for SMP.

    Oh, And I didn't know there was a way to crack the Technic Launcher. Anyways, I wanted to thank you for telling me about that. That will be my temporary replacement until I either get my account back by hacking it or buying another account.

    But yes, Thank you very much sir.

  8. My Minecraft account got hacked quite a while ago and it really made me mad. I've been trying to hack it back but nothing has worked. I'm still mad about it too. But anyways, Let's get to the point of this topic.

    My account got hacked and I was hoping I could just go in and try to sign in but then there would an offline mode just like the normal Minecraft launcher. Well, I discovered there isn't one.

    I know the Multiplayer cracked thing concerns you all.

    SO I came up with a possible solution other than downloading a crap ton of mods which is EXACTLY what I didn't want to do.

    Perhaps there could be an offline mode that only has single player options but does not have the Multiplayer menu nor the option of connecting to Multiplayer servers.

    If you can't get it to go away, There is another thing I think you might be able to do.

    You could make it to where if you go offline, and It has to verify your account and your password has to be entered when entering a server WITH Mojang verification thus allowing offline mode to be enabled.(What I mean is... It doesn't verify you when you go into single player but it does when you try to get onto a server. Perhaps that helps you understand me some more? If you need more details just tell me to edit this topic and I will.)

    Just suggesting something. I'm disappointed in hackers and hate their guts. But if I find out how to

    1. Hack my account back, Then I will.

    2. Get money for a new account (-.- freaking hackers...) and purchase it...

    I will do either one of those above if I find out how to do either one...

    The money isn't the trouble. It's the account that I want back that OBVIOUSLY is my name.

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