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Everything posted by kevy21

  1. 4gb mainly because i use the sphax tekkit texture pack by bdcraft, without a texture pack id say 2gb
  2. that is fine weird thing is with my specs above im bottle necked by my GPU in most things, but you have a very good gpu and apart from your CPU our systems are very similar but giving very different results
  3. whats your psu rating?
  4. xD updating openGL? I have never done or heard of this could you explain more plz Also thanks for the affinity idea ;)
  5. Very interesting thread and wanted to share my specs not to brag but because OP has much better GPU (i know MC is CPU based) between 220-240 fps on my pc (can hit 300+ when in the same area for awhile) i7 3770k OC @4.6GHz 16Gb Ram DDR3 1866 GTX 550 ti EVGA SC 60gb M4 SSD IMO the OP PC should be running 100+ FPS easy
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