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Everything posted by m157

  1. Its a SMP thing, it was added to SSP 1.1, and SMP 1.2, so you need to update to get it
  2. I know tekkit is, technic + bukkit But could you release a vinilla server for the people who just play with there friends, I check the bukkit mods page alot, almost every mod is updated except RP2, so can u work on a vinilla tekkt server?
  3. http://mcportcentral.co.za/wiki/index.php?title=Ports_for_1.2.5 when you see all the mods that tekkit uses there, then it will be coming out soon
  4. the issue is that its so HQ for tekkit to handle, u need optifine (tekkit has optiFOG) or mcpatch
  5. lul
  6. looking for someone to play with its tekkit 2.1.1 Hamachi: Nope pass: lulz MOD EDIT: That's not how we do things here, buddy.
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