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Hyppykuppa's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Server is down again, please fix it :)

  2. Sorry no offence but in the short visit there 1) the people in chat seemed like a bunch of unfriendly, immature dicks 2) most of the area seemed to be PvP. I hate PvP. I just want to build in peace I guess i'll look elsewhere. Sorry to take up your time. Have fun with it :(
  3. IGN: Hyppykuppa Age: 30 Timezone: UTC +2 How long have you been playing tekkit: Nearly 2 months, mainly done EE stuff but would like to learn more about redpower, IC etc. How often will you be on the server: Usually daily if i'm around my pc, from quick checkups to 10 hour marathon builds and spelunkings Would you like to join the teamspeak(optional): possibly http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/cd81e9c545c864dede3253eefa482aec9369566d Why you received the bans (If Applicable): Never been banned
  4. Server says im not in the whitelist Does it take time to get updated?
  5. In-Game Name: Hyppykuppa Age: 30 Experience with Tekkit: 1 month+ mainly done EE and industrialcraft stuff. My 70+ hour project in previous server got wiped out due to map corruption during update. Wanna start a new long-term operation (with Grand Plans ) on a more stable server. Love watching utube vids about MC and tekkit for new ideas and stuff. Still lot to learn but i'd say i know quite a lot. Played vanilla MC for well over a year now. Did you read the rules?: Yup, simple enough Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/4b8c4b1198e33d93612103c1a1bade81c74c8d1f
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