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Everything posted by Rybo4

  1. that happens to me too but only for 1.2.5
  2. ok i get it now
  3. im confused again i put a klein star omega in my inventory why isnt it working
  4. ok thx
  5. what button do i press
  6. am i pressing the wrong button
  7. i do that i t only shoots leaves as i told u
  8. hi i know i know im stupid but what is the flying ring i have tried swiftwolfs rending gale but it only shoots leaves help me
  9. Launcher Version: 1.2.5 Operating System: yogbox Java Version: i have no idea Antivirus Program: dont have one Description of Problem: whenever try yogbox if isay i want to use 1.2.5 it works until i get to the minecraft screen where it is blue around the edges and say minecraft has crashed and has a bunch of the mod names Error Messages: minecraft has crashed Error Log: cant find it
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