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Everything posted by epicbawler

  1. Ok so I downloaded 1.5.1_L_B1 optifine and put it in the modpack.jar of Tekkit. When i started the game all I get is a white screen??? How do i fix this? PS: I DID deleted the META-INF folder.
  2. Age: 14 (and a half) IGN (In Game Name) nascar240 Why Do you want to Play on this Server? I have no played tekkit in over a year and I wanted to be able to check out all the new features of it with new people What Do you want to Build? The only part of the new tekkit I have seen is the rocket going to the moon. I really want to do that and make a moon base with those cool airlocks!
  3. lmfao i came on and was banned instantly XD fail mods much
  4. hey i did the thing twice and i still get a white screen when i use desc book i dont know wat i did wrong could you possibly list some common mistakes plz?
  5. any1 wanna play tekkit survival together? i just made a server for fun and i wanna play on it with ppl for a bit pm for ip if u wanna play (btw i didnt post this in server section cuz u gotta sumbit a server post and get it accepted and this one is just for fun tonight)
  6. oh yeah just wait a week... no thanks ill try to find som1 else maybe on a diff forum
  7. oh no you wouldnt know lol its called basilmarket its for a game called maplestory
  8. rlly? cuz on the forum i use a lot after about 20minutes the thread dies if it doesnt keep gettign posts
  9. uhh i rlly hate watching tutorial videos but i guess i have to since no1 will help :(
  10. uhh i dont know much i watched the yogscast play it like 8 episodes or sumtin but they mostly screw around.
  11. uhh so can any1 help even if you cna only for 15min i would really appreceiate it :)
  12. uhh id rather have someone with me to help any problems i have... and i dont want to have to watch like 15 videos
  13. ok so i played with tekkit abit in creative mode on single player but i didnt really get it at all. I was wondering if anybody experienced in tekkit could play it with me and show me the basics. PM me for the ip cuz i dont want random ppl to come on and grief oh yeah and also my sound doesnt work for some reason there are no sounds at all. any1 kno why?
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