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Posts posted by AlexDGr8r

  1. The Hexxit wiki doesn't currently have any information for your mod, other than some framework I threw up for the items and some info about achievements:


    Are you thinking of maybe http://hexxit.wikia.com/wiki/Hexxit_Wiki ? I can't speak for the accuracy of anything over there, it is by no means considered an official wiki. wiki.technicpack.net is all I'm concerned with.

    Haha, yeah, that's what I was thinking of. Looking at the official wiki now and I see what you mean. Once I get done with coding for today, I'll try and start on that.

    I love the mod, finally makes staying awake at night in MC worth it.

    As someone new to Meteors I'd like some info on how to get started. Tinkers Construct includes 3 Books that you automatically get to help understanding the mod. Maybe you could do something silimar and drop the player a book with some informations about the meteors and how to use them as soon as the first meteor item is picked up.

    Another thing I'd like not for myself but because people here posted several threads about it is an easy way to disable meteors in the config or limit their damage. I looked at your config file and it's confusing. Maybe some comments in there would do the trick.

    Anyway great to have you here and get feedback, more mod authors should do this.

    Yeah, I understand how confusing the configuration can be. I also understand how confusing the mod can be in general. Thus, that's why I've added a lot of tooltips and info gathering for this next update. I've also begun adding gamerules rather than configuration options for the simplicity of it. So next update you'll be able to completely turn off the falling of meteors with just a simple command. I won't be making any major changes to the configuration until 1.7 because I think the majority of people will be getting new worlds anyways, and it shouldn't have too big of an impact on things.

  2. Welcome AlexDGr8r! It is always nice to hear from mod developers here on the Technic forums. I think the biggest issue I've heard of has already been addressed by you with the auto-enchanting right click. One thing that I think will really help the community is to get better documentation on the official Hexxit Wiki. I know some mod authors have spent a lot of time getting their mod documented in the Technic Wiki, Shukaro for Artifice and Erogenous Beef for Big Reactors to name 2 off the top of my head. It's apparent you've put a lot of work into the MCF thread, but it would mean a lot to get official info from you on the wiki. If not, no big deal, we've just slowly been grabbing info from various MCF threads for mods to document them in the Wiki. Can we get permission to 'steal' text and images from your thread for that purpose?

    Other than that request, a question. I don't even know if this is from Falling Meteors Mod, but I've seen these flaming slimeballs in the sky around Meteor crash sites and I thought they might be related. I thought maybe they were some kind of indicator as to where a meteor was going to fall, like it was a placeholder up in the sky to simulate an actual meteor in the atmosphere before it impacts, but I've seen them sticking around even after the meteor impacts. They seem to fly away very fast in one direction if you hit them too. Are those flaming slimeballs from your mod? If so, what's the deal with them?

    One more question; you say that these fixes are coming in the 1.6 version, is there any chance we'll see a 1.5.2 release as well? I have no idea how long it's going to take the Technic Dev team to release a 1.6 version of Hexxit, but I'd REALLY like to have Enchanting Plus and Meteors Mod updated to fix the exploit. I'm missing unenchanting gear something fierce in Hexxit, and Enchanting Plus has a new version for 1.5.2 that allows disenchants via config file, if Meteors Mod were also updated this would close that loop and allow for reasonable unenchanting again.

    Thanks again for stopping by, and I hope we can give you some constructive feedback to help make your mod even better!

    First off, thanks for the all the input. Secondly, I have looked at the Hexxit wiki and I've seen how very inaccurate it is. People are more than welcome to take direct quotes from the MCF thread if need be. I think I'll actually hop on there myself and fix a few things. And yes, I'm considering to port the update down to 1.5.2 if I can secure some time to do it. I will be moving back to college later next week so I'm pushing to get the 1.6 update out tomorrow. But if I can secure a timeframe towards the beginning of next week, I can do it fairly quickly. I also don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the flaming slimeballs. lol Blazes will spawn around Kreknorite crash sites, but that's it.

    Have you gotten in touch with BinaryMage (Mystcraft) about some synergy between mods?

    I am actually unfamiliar with Mystcraft. What do you mean by some synergy between mods?

  3. For those of you who don't know me, my name is AlexDGr8r. I am the creator of the Falling Meteors Mod. I am extremely thrilled to have my mod in the Hexxit modpack and I want to give a HUGE thank you to the Technic Team for allowing my mod to be in the pack. Being that my mod is now in this major modpack, I've been trying to update the quality of the mod for 1.6 to help uphold some sort of standard. This is why I am making this thread. I want some input from all of you on what you think would make the mod better, whether that is just a general improvement, bugfix, new meteor, etc.

    I have heard about the majority of the bugs coming from 1.5.2. Here are the ones I currently have fixed for 1.6. (Note that the 1.6 update is not out yet, but the first release should be this weekend):

    • Meteor Shields now block Kitty Comets
    • All auto-enchanted items will no longer require a right-click to enchant the item
    • All auto-enchanted items also can't be disenchanted then re-enchanted automatically (so no farming for exp with Enchanting Plus)
    • Meteor ore now gives experience when mined
    • Various tooltips have been added to the Detectors to help explain what each detector detects, as well as, telling you if it has found a meteor/crash.
    • Detectors now work as intended
    • The Meteor Timer block has now been updated to work more properly and will also take into account if meteors only fall at night.
    • Two game rules have been added: meteorsFall and summonMeteors. This uses Minecraft's system of setting game rules via /gamerule to turn off/on the falling of Meteors and the ability to summon meteors with the summoners.
    • Meteor Shields now drop red meteor gems that have been applied to them if the shield is broken.
    • Red Meteor Gems now have a tooltip explaining their use
    • Meteor Shields when charged now inform the player that the shield can be upgraded using red meteor gems
    • Protected Land Testers now have a tooltip explaining that the tester has a one-time usage.
    • Network traffic has been reduced with less packets being communicated between the server and client.
    • The mod should now handle multiple dimensions properly.
    • The tick rate for meteor updates has been reduced to once per second rather 20 times per second.
    • The mod now uses the world's data folder to read/write from for "Ghost Meteors" and "Crashed Chunks" (used to prevent meteors from falling in an area where a meteor recently landed). This also uses MC's system of saving dat files, similar to how maps are saved. So there should be no more errors with linux users.

    So as you can see, a lot has been fixed and changed to help update the quality of the mod. Other than these changes, what else do you think would make the mod better? Any input is welcome. I enjoy hearing from people who use my mod because I love programming and I like to challenge myself with new ideas. When I first started this mod, I just thought I would add another entity that copied basically from TnT, but this quickly grew into something that was more of a challenge. Thanks to all of you who enjoy the mod and thanks to everyone that offers input.

    Be sure to check the main thread on the Minecraft Forums for update news pertaining to the mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/989113-152sspsmpfalling-meteors-modv2102/

  4. Joker, you are completely incorrect on a lot of the configuration options. Simply put, if you want to disable meteors from falling in 1.5.2, then change the following options in the configuration file:

    B:"Meteorite Meteor Enabled"=false
    B:"Frezarite Meteor Enabled"=false
    B:"Kreknorite Meteor Enabled"=false
    B:"Unknown Meteor Enabled"=false
    I:"Kitty Attack Chance"=0

    and if you simply want to make meteors more rare, increase the "Meteor Fall Deterrence" in the configuration. You can use this graph to set it to how you feel it should be. NOTE: If you have "Meteors Fall Only at Night" to true, then double the estimated days on the graph.


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