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Everything posted by aerohunter27

  1. This is an amazing server with really good staff and a great community.
  2. Name:Ari IGN: Aerohunter27 (i know im so creative with my usernames) Age:13 Minecraft Experience: I know alot about minecraft. Been playing for about 3 years now Tekkit Experience: I also know alot. Been playing for 2 years. Time playing MC per day: I play about 3 hours a day and about 5 on the weekends Why do you want to join the server?: I want to be part of a good smaller community where people actually care and aren't so just mean and wont help you like on the big servers. I also want to get away from the griefers hackers and exploiters who completely get rid of the meaning of tekkit. Extra things about me: I am pretty good at redstone and I have had past admin and mod experience. Also I am pretty good at building and try to keep the landscape neat.
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