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Everything posted by coolguy100ish

  1. Name: coolguy100ish IRL Name: Jamie / James Age: 12 (trust me I'm mature) Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): No Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: Barely. I do have some experience from videos though what is the purpose of a macerator?: It is a machine that converts ores into dusts which can be smelted into their craftable forms (eg. iron ore -> iron dust, coal -> coal dust etc.) Recommendations (if you been invited): Nope Other things I should know: I live in Australia and would like to gain experience in Tekkit - since my client version screwed up - and to build machines and (maybe) post tutorials on YouTube.
  2. Title: Mods not working Version: 3.1.1 OS: Windows XP SP3 32-bit Java Version: 6 Description of Problem: When I open Tekkit, the game plays fine except none of the mods work except for the zoom feature on CTRL. Please help. Error Messages: none Error Log: none
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