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About Indraasil

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Indraasil's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I couldn't help but notice that you replied to everyone but me, Phlonk. If there's anything I can do to increase my chances of being accepted or to expedite the process, I'd greatly appreciate that information. I've got Teamspeak 3 up and running and bookmarked your server. If you've decided not to whitelist me, I'd prefer a flat refusal. Thanks for your consideration.
  2. In Game Name: Indraasil Age: 22 Time Zone: PDT Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): Yes Amount Played (If Yes): Probably a couple dozen hours total. Mostly EE and small-scale machines, but I've done some nuclear reactor tinkering. Tell us why you would like to play on our server: Small group, casual, no kiddies, it's PVE, has the mods I want, and it's hosted by fellow Canadians. Previously Banned from a Server: No, I've pretty much only played single player.
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