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Everything posted by kirkerbot

  1. no heres the issue for some reason macs wont let you log into anything with the technic launcher if you've migrated your account. and to you thinking i was confused. heres part of it "don't say i should use my email because it started like a week after i migrated." or in other words i tried that already. and sorry for barging in but you dont have to get pissed off at me about it. i just figured it was better to post on a thread with a similar problem to mine then make a completly new thread for no reason at all.
  2. did you not read what i said. i know to use my email dope i said it started a week after i migrated meaning it was fine befor then. try being helpfull please. and not just blindly replying without reading the whole post.
  3. i'm actualy having that error because i migrated my account. every time i try to log in it says unable to authenticate account with minecraft.net and please don't say i should use my email because it started like a week after i migrated.
  4. dang it now i have no server to go on for tekkit. maggot got any ideas? id like a new servr to play on. all the servers i join die!
  5. ok well i wasnt sure what section to post it in.
  6. could you add the clay soldiers mod to tekkit in the next update since its now multiplayer compatible? im sure lots of people wouldbe very happy with this if you could.
  7. it just keep saying connection times out or something like that when i try to join and then the read thing instead of being cant connect to the server it says communication error
  8. All of ComputerCraft - if not properly used, it can lag the server its in the banned items. computer craft is a mod you banned it all. thats not removing a mod?
  9. hellooo is the server gonna come back up or not?
  10. i almost joined untill i saw that you banned my dm stuff plus you lied you said you didnt remove any mods but you did. get a better protection system so stuff isnt banned.
  11. oh fear. so its not just me doing somtething wrong the servers are down yay. not yay about the server thats kinda terrible.
  12. erm yeah the ip isnt working anymore it just says cant resolve host name can you explain this since i want to go digging in my mines again and i just started actualy using tekkit for more then swords and armor
  13. Your in game name:kirkorbot How long you have played on the server: about a week Why we should make you a resident: i never grief anyone i let newcomers live with me. i am very active in the server and i dont break the rules
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