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About DarkCon

  • Birthday 09/16/1996

DarkCon's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. ... I do not need you to advertise this As I do have a dedi server 32gb server -_-
  2. Alright add me on skype! Darkcry1200 we need 2 more people! if were gonna do this!
  3. This may be a little late and all but dont use beast node that company suck bad support sytem way to over price!
  4. Hello Guys, Today I am looking for3-8 people to do a letsplay. We Would Record 1-2 videos a week I would edit them make them look nice etc. The Whole Factory plantation would be about 2-4 working together the 2 split up and its like a war between them or how many people we have. The main goal would be to have fun while we play this and just let people know what we do, So to join I need you guys to fill out this app! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Age{Have to be older then 15} BandiCam or fraps{You need something that not free][And you need to know how to use it] Are you mature from a 1-10 You Also Need a mic[A good 1] Do you swear? What are you best at! What do you wish to get out of this! Why would you like to join us. Are you good with working with other people? -------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Can a staff delete this post thanks
  6. Ok Guys I seen lots of people wanting to do letsplay but have no server to host it on and I have the option for you I have 2 32gb Machine that I run server off, I will host one of those 32gb for anyone who wants 1, I Will host 10worlds for the server so 10 people can get 1 world free Example ok so you will need 4players top or 4-6 players to use a world so here World1<Open 2-6 players World2<Open 2-6 players World3<Open 2-6 players World4<Open 2-6 players World5<Open 2-6 players World6<Open 2-6 players World7<Open 2-6 players World8<open 2-10 players world9<open 2-10 players world10< 2-10 players I will install a chat plugin so Other players from differnt worlds can not talk to each other I will have a mail plugin so if you want to team up with some one you can email them via the game also the leader of the lp will get admin for the world there in If you want more then the following world of players will allow you contact me via skype Darkcry1200, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok Now to get one of these world You need the following things! Lp team>TeamName Lp team M>Members of your team{names} Lp team count>how many players in your team Leader skype name Age< have to be over 13 World<Tell me what world you want #1 or #2 etc How many videos you thinking of having: lets say you you want 10videos you will be giving 15days so 1video=5days so your# of videos plus 5 You need aleast 4 players to get a tekkit server!
  7. Ok Guys I seen lots of people wanting to do letsplay but have no server to host it and I have the option for you I have 2 32gb Machine that I run server off, I will host one of those 32gb for anyone who wants 1, I Will host 10worlds for the server so 10 people can get 1 world free Example ok so you will need 4players top or 4-6 players to use a world so here World1<Open 4-6 players World2<Open 4-6 players World3<Open 4-6 players World4<Open 4-6 players World5<Open 4-6 players World6<Open 4-6 players World7<Open 4-6 players World8<open 5-10 players world9<open 5-10 players world10<5-10 players I will install a chat plugin so Other players from differnt worlds can not talk to each other I will have a mail plugin so if you want to team up with some one you can email them via the game also the leader of the lp will get admin for the world there in If you want more then the following world of players will allow you contact me via skype Darkcry1200, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok Now to get one of these world You need the following things! Lp team>TeamName Lp team M>Members of your team{names} Lp team count>how many players in your team Leader skype name Age< have to be over 13 World<Tell me what world you want #1 or #2 etc How many videos you thinking of having: lets say you you want 10videos you will be giving 15days so 1video=5days so your# of videos plus 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also Comment if you want to do a letsplay with me I need the following things Age skype How good are you with tekkit from a 1-10 Youtube channel Are you good with working with other players good builders What else are you good at in tekkit
  8. This is a good server, Altough They could do something better with the lag spikes, Server Rate from a 1-10 I would give it a 8.9 Server has friendly people staff is great and there only 1 con It has lag spikes but I guess you cant get a awsome server with out 1 con To any one reading this I would join the server -Darkcrydestroyer
  9. So I wanted to ban all the bad stuff lagging stuff and over power stuff But I dont know wich plugin to use their or so many wich one would work best for tekkit Blockblocker or blockcontrol Please help
  10. So i have a tekkit sever but I was wondering what items should i ban so player cant use them example things to grief spawn Over powerd materials items that lag server etc if you can post the items that our bad thanks will help alot
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