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About 0charlay0

  • Birthday 10/13/1993

0charlay0's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Lol the amount of times your ride hot doy, i'd be suprised if you didnt ending up blowing up his house haha (however i know that wouldnt happen)
  2. Although, if there is a server restart, then wouldn't the tickets close?
  3. Giant cake made of lies ahahaha

    TeLl mE yOuR nAmE, please


  4. Dude not cool, I managed to get back on, get some good stuff then i get banned again for a mistake i made a week ago!
  5. So can i no longer join the server, it was one little mistake I wanna be on the server cuz my mate is However i will not be upset or annoyed at your decision, i could clearly see it was a structure with a protected chest, i just thought since no one was around and there was a big hole in it that taking some wood would not matter I wont do that again haha
  6. It was hardly a house, so i thought i could use the wood Please let me back in, i promise it will not happen again
  7. Hi you banned me for griefing but i have no idea what is was that i griefed, if i had have known then i would not have done it
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