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Everything posted by POW

  1. Well, looks who being ignored. At least give me a end please to my ban appeal, just say yes or no to it will ya? thanks.
  2. Minecraft.net login servers are down, for no reason. They happen to be off alot more often than usual now.
  3. Yes, this is bad. The server went down for no reason and is not coming back up for some reason also. The details are very sketchy atm, so "bear" with us. We will get this problem solved as soon as possible. That is all.
  4. I wont be on for a week or so, because my good computer died. I have ordered a new computer to replace it, but in the time between now and the replacement arriving, I shall not be on.
  5. ok, ill just drink some regular water. but i still want some cookies.
  6. Well, time to just wait, kick back and enjoy a nice cool cup of dna water.
  7. 2000+ Files! DAAAAAAAMN. I would trade a dna cookie for that! (not just one of those lame cookies either.)
  8. We all wanna play :3, Just waiting for hosts.. but in the meantime, we press F5 and hope for messages. And try and eat other peoples DNA cookies.
  9. Yeah! Anyways, there is gonna be a new ip? Please, Inform us on the These forums of the new ip! :3
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