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  • Birthday 06/01/1980

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Grass (2/9)



  1. Survival games is being added shortly
  2. IP: Slivion.mc-srv.com / RULES: RESPECT ALL STAFF MEMBERS, We are here to help! DO NOT HACK DO NOT DUPE DO NOT COMPLAIN HAVE FUN THERE ARE NO MODS REMOVED BANNED ITEMS: http://slivion.forumotion.com/t476-welcome-to-the-server SOME PLUGINS: Factions TekkitRestrict WorldGuard MobDisguise Groupmanager Votifier MobArena WorldEdit Raiding and PvP: .Here at Slivion we enforce raiding and PvP. A PvP arena is being built and creeper eggs are ingame so the players can blow up those unraidable chest. Personals are rank restricted so players cant hide all there items. If you have any questions or concerns leave a comment or visit us at http://slivion.forumotion.com/!
  3. drop parties will happen to today so long on and check it out
  4. restricted nukes also item loaders are now banned since they dupe
  5. Hunger games added and looking for staff soon
  6. thanks finlay for telling me but next time put it on forums
  7. drop parties happening and a rank give away is happening today on the server come and check it out
  8. the contest is still going and I've added where there are 2 winners
  9. the ip has changed and the post has been updated
  10. contest is going to be pushed back due to host creating lag to server
  11. had some lag with mcmymadmin server was down yesterday but now it is back up and running smooth
  12. There is a contest on forums a free $40 donation rank. Visit www.instatekkit.com to check it out
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