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Everything posted by Yorick

  1. Title: Cant Create Mod items Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Windows 7 64 bit Java Version: Java 7 64 bit Description of Problem: When I try to create items in a crafting table that aren't part of vanilla minecraft the item that would be produced appears for a millisecond then disappears and I can't select the item to produce it. Error Messages: Error Log:
  2. SOLVED, thanks for your help guys but it was a Hamachi problem some files had become corrupted and reinstallation sovlved it.
  3. I had already tried disabling my firewall and Anti-virus Programs (sorry should have mentioned that) and I'm now trying to open the ports on my router, but I don't know which port(s) I need to open or how to find out etc. But as far as I know my router ports would not affect using Hamachi which is why I'm confused.
  4. Title: Only way to Join server is through LocalHost Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Windows 7 64bit Java Version: Java 7 (update 5) Description of Problem: Neither me nor my friend can connect to my tekkit server using Hamachi, We both have full minecraft accounts (not hacked) and we've used hamachi to connect to my vanilla minecraft server before, I can connect by using Local host but neither of us can connect by typing in my Hamachi IP. Error Messages: Connection: connection timeout Error Log:
  5. Oh I see sorry! Completely out of it today, I've attached the image of it.
  6. I've just tried with that link for you and that also doesn't work and I've also tried with no firewall running and that hasn't made a difference either
  7. Downloading from Github has worked! and after waiting a few minutes I got past the splash screen so maybe just be a little more patient? Thanks for the help guys!
  8. Thanks any help would be much appreciated!
  9. Yeah I've now tried firefox and cleared my cache and on all the browsers it keeps bringing up a similar message saying either it can't connect or that it has timed out
  10. Hey, when I try to download tekkit through the windows link on the tekkit page instead of starting a download the browser takes about 10 seconds then brings up the message:"Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to mirror.technicpack.net" I've tried both Chrome and Internet explorer and they both bring up similar messages, anyone know what's up?
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