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Everything posted by fleepoman

  1. i will. and dont worry, you may be seeing me at a later date.
  2. so you clearly are a bad owner, if you wont listen to someones completely valid reasons for your suspicion, you ban entirely out of suspicion, and you revert to an arguement instead of resolving this a bit more reasonably.
  3. well blackie isnt listening to me, im still banned on the server for somebody else's doing, and im bored out of my mind due to it.
  4. And to go along with this, on the ban you said "Possible duping" i would like a general innocence until proven guilty policy, because since im not guilty of the crime, as i didnt actively dupe the items. i would enjoy playing on the server, as it is pretty good as long as it is lag free now.
  5. If i did have duped items, which is entirely possible since i did take them out of a chest, wouldnt a person with a bugged inventory be much more possible to produce said items? what if they are bugged and made the logs for the chest bugged? its entirely possible, and is the only explanation i can get, as i did not do the duping.
  6. this makes it even more obvious that it wasn't me that did the duping. The person who got the bugged item may have been the same one who was duping the klein stars, since they must know how to make bugs if it caused this much panic. If i was the problem, wouldnt it all be fixed when you banned me?
  7. Well thats good that its now lag free, and yes, nobody gave me the items directly, they were all in the public chest, and i used the klein star omegas to transmute their EMC into diamond blocks and red matter. I obviously had those diamond blocks and red matter, and i openly admit to that. I used the items that were in the public chest to do the drop party. I did get them for the players, thats what the drop party generally entails, as i wasn't stealing from them, so the only thing left is giving. I did give them the materials, as i then was pretty wealthy and they told me about the server which i liked, so i gave them tons of stuff in return. There is absolutely no rule that you posted against giving items, as thats what friendly communities do for people, and there is no proof that I duped them, its basically impossible to steal because of no PVP and having LWC on the server, and I did get them from another player, as i would hope that random items werent spawned in, and all the items i had were either found in the public chest or transmuted from the ones that were in there. I did absolutely no duping in the server, you should ban the person that somehow duped 18 klein star omegas instead of a person who felt really lucky for having them
  8. yes, 1 red matter can transmute into quite a few diamond blocks, one klein star omega full charged transmutes into even more. You clearly didnt check the records of the chest far back enough, which makes me even more sure that you are not a good admin. and it wasnt just you at spawn, i saw shadow standing in spawn, doing basically nothing. You werent even on at the time i was banned, it was shadow that was standing in spawn and 2 mins into a drop party he flew up to me and banned me. Clearly, as an owner to a decent sized server, I wouldnt expect you to always be on, which is why I referred to all of the admins instead of just targeting you, as there are more admins than just you. but since you say that you are generally trying to fix the lag, and there is always a terrible amount of lag on the server, you obviously dont know what you are doing there as well.
  9. Well first off, i shall say the server is nice and mostly everybody is friendly. All of the players are extremely nice. The problem is, the admins clearly dont know what theyre doing and ban me for doing something that is allowed. In the public chest just outside of spawn there was a large amount of super overpowered items, and because as a newbie i was kinda greedy, i took a good deal of it. (18 klein star omegas, 17 stacks of red matter and 1 stack of diamond block) As many tekkit servers have a lot of good items really fast i thought that if it was in a public chest it was free for the taking. The owner then suspected me of duping/hacking/whatever when i got a bit happy with the items i had and had a drop party in spawn. the admins, if they knew that there is a public chest, should at least see what is in it sometimes. Clearly the admins and owners dont know how to prevent griefing, but they only know how to ban somebody without a plea if theyre suspicious. The admins also dont really do much, theyre so busy with just chilling out in spawn, doing nothing important, or all focusing on one player, ignoring all other people until they finish their job, which generally takes at least 30 mins for a simple problem.
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