Well thats good that its now lag free, and yes, nobody gave me the items directly, they were all in the public chest, and i used the klein star omegas to transmute their EMC into diamond blocks and red matter. I obviously had those diamond blocks and red matter, and i openly admit to that. I used the items that were in the public chest to do the drop party. I did get them for the players, thats what the drop party generally entails, as i wasn't stealing from them, so the only thing left is giving. I did give them the materials, as i then was pretty wealthy and they told me about the server which i liked, so i gave them tons of stuff in return. There is absolutely no rule that you posted against giving items, as thats what friendly communities do for people, and there is no proof that I duped them, its basically impossible to steal because of no PVP and having LWC on the server, and I did get them from another player, as i would hope that random items werent spawned in, and all the items i had were either found in the public chest or transmuted from the ones that were in there. I did absolutely no duping in the server, you should ban the person that somehow duped 18 klein star omegas instead of a person who felt really lucky for having them