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Everything posted by bananenbroek4

  1. Just wanted to start over again on this server, when it's off/crashed/in maintance :P
  2. Im also getting bored.... Hope that the server is getting on soon! :)
  3. Yeah, I got the same werter. I placed chest instead of condensers, so when it's good enough and I would be ranked up.
  4. Great server you got there! But W.T.H Whitelist??? I played on the server yesterday, so that is very weird... If we have to be whitelisted: I got a couple of names: bananenbroek4, lucas_L_23, peterjonk9 *edit* You didn't read this post!
  5. Shadow, My IGN is bananenbroek4 . Thank you very much for helping shadow! :D
  6. Blackie/Shadow, I still can't talk on the server! I can't destroy/place blocks neither... Also invincible, all stuff gets deleted once gotten... Please help me! I really like the server!!!
  7. Can an admin/mod help me? When I logged on the server, I was in the middle of nowhere! If I try to talk, it says: Your mouth is too dry. If I try to break blocks, it says: Air can't fit into (block). I don't have access to any of the commands. If this is because someone thinks I've griefed: I haven't griefed, cursed or anything of that. Also: When I logged on, al my stuff was gone.
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