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About DaAzn

  • Birthday 09/02/1990

DaAzn's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Im trying to spread the event because i need people !
  2. Hello Technicers, I wanna make a live stream with two points of view. The Cops and the Hero. Mods: Feed the beast 1.2.5 Additional mods: AdvPack by nerdboy_64 Cart mod by my friend MineCrak Modern Warfare/SDK guns by aidancbrady/SDK Simple Guns by nerdboy_64 Boombox mod by Paraknight Anymore mods suggest it in the thread. I will need: just a Feed the beast server. That is it. Also some redpower people for wiring. Computer craft program writers. builders. and people that want to play in the movie. Also I WILL be recording to post on youtube. if I can. Thank you P.S: I need a name for the flim/let's play. Cast: Hero/Villain: XtremelyNooby/ Me. Sidekick: (CLOSED) Davidobot The Hero's Crew. At least 12. (Still Open) Police Chief: Only Need one. (Still Open) Police crew: Need at least 12. (Still Open) Gun dealers need two. (Still Open) Sugar dealer (if you know what i mean) Need one. (Still Open) Crazy Psycho Killer. Need 4 (still Open) Dance Party! (EVERYONE THAT JOINS!) Builders: need as many as I can get. (Still Open) Redpower need as many as I can get. (Still Open) 1.MisterCreeperr 2.Davidobot. ComputerCrafters need as many as I can get again. (Still Open) 1.MisterCreeperr 2.TheSandwichMakr Server host Need only one. (Still open). you shall get a place in the movie. Anything you can choose Writers: at least 6. (Still Open) Skin Creators. At least 6-12. (Still Open) Flimers are the people in the Let's play. If you can.(Still Open) If I forgot anything please Post. Also If you want plugins PM me so I can PM the Server host. Join and Invite friends!. P.S this is my school project! also most of the people are from the Feed the beast forum.
  3. DaAzn


    wups wrong place
  4. DaAzn


    Who wants to take over my modpack? http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1418085-125-modern-warfare-modpack/
  5. DaAzn


    What is the program that generates custom enchantments?
  6. Requirements. - Must Be 14 Or Over.: 16 - Good Recording Software ( E.G. Fraps ): has FRAPS - Play Minecraft And Minecraft Tekkit ( Ideal ): YEP! Message Me On Skype : goaztec, Ill call you
  7. -Minecraft (Needed): YES -Technic and Tekkit (Needed): YES -Garry's Mod (Wanted):NOPE -Garry's Mod 13 (Wanted):NOPE -Team Fortress 2 (Wanted):NOPE -Terraria (Whatever):NOPE So, that's it! Contact me if you're interested, contact me! Skype Name: have to ask Steam Name: XtremelyNooby
  8. Your age: 16 Have you commentated before: NO! Tekkit Profession (Red Power or Buildcraft etc): EE Skye name (So we can record voice):I have to ask
  9. whats the ip?
  10. Ign: XtremelyNooby Age Above 12:16 Skype Yes/No:no Tekkit Experience Noob/Advanced/Expert:Advanced Good Sense of Humor Yes/No:Kinda Able To Host Server Yes/No:No Can You Record:No (To have different point of views but doesnt matter) Youtube Channel:Yes Extra: I am Overpowered in EE!
  11. Whats the Server IP?
  12. Oh if there is If it had a Teamspeak I maybe would make a Lets play like Bluexephos , Sips & Sjin , and most of all Duncun!
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