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Posts posted by LightningMan01

  1. Name - Ryan

    IGN - LightningMan01

    Age - 16

    Minecraft experience - I have been Playing Minecraft since last October 7th and was playing on my Buddy's account 2 weeks before a.e. September 23 giving me a total of 339 Days worth of experience and fun, This has allowed me to build all sorts of neat things ranging from homes to towers which were a lot of fun to build.

    Tekkit experience - Now as far as how long I've been playing Tekkit, well I forget the date I started messing around with it, even then I was playing around with Red Power 2 as a standalone long before I found out about Tekkit. I think I found out and started playing around with Red Power 2 maybe some time in early to late November. From there I found out about Tekkit and the Technic Launcher around mid February and got into around Late March but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. Even then I will say this much I can Build very complex Red Power Circuit's and Machines with out skipping a beat, hell I made automatic farms with Red Power alone along with very extensive cobblestone generator machines for SkyBlock and condensers alike. The Shorter version of my stick is I am a massive RP2 Fan and one hell of a Redstoner, I would make a great addition to any Tekkit Server.

    Time playing MC per day - Um.... If my explanation on my Tekkit experience was any indication then your in for a treat, I have a lot of down time seeing as I only have a few classes per semester thanks to Vo-Tech so I have a lot of free time for me to just sit around and elaborate on my contraptions and experiments in Tekkit and Life, so you can imagine that I'll be on alot, and I hope it help!

    Why do you want to join the server - In short to help out a growing Community with my Redstone and Red Power expertise and to be exposed to an awesome Community, in which I can have an awesome time palling around and enjoying the Tekkit experience with everyone.

    Thanks You for your time, FeedBack on my application would be much appreciated! Till Then!

  2. IGN: LightningMan01

    Age: 16

    Timezone: Eastern Alantic US Time

    How long have you been playing tekkit: A Good Year.

    How often will you be on the server: As much as I can

    Would you like to join the teamspeak(optional): I don't know to much about it but, for now no.

    Your http://whitelist.mcf.li link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/5fa50ff7c607316cd3389c870f39b29a1ea58c71

    Why you received the bans (If Applicable): if you read/saw I've never been banned before.

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